-Hot and Cold-

408 24 26

♤A/n - back again with the infamous no proofread chapters also update cuz why not♤
Song rec - Kiss me more by doja cat

Someone's pov -

By the time hyunjin returned from the library after having the intense conversation with seungmin he found felix sitting on his bed with ryujin next to him on a stool both of them laughing about something
"So like my parents were like you're gonna marry felix and I was like okay not like I have a lover that I would run away with and you're not so bad either so" ryujin replied and felix chuckled
"So we're supposed to get married " Felix replied
"Kind off it's just a idea we could say no any day" ryujin explained
Hyunjin stood at the door listening to this conversation , his eyes glaring the back of ryujin's head and jaw clenched
"I mean I'm not in love with anyone and you're nice so I don't have a reason to say no but let's see where our fate takes us" Felix replied and ryujin laughed
Felix slowly moved his hand towards ryujin's face and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear
"Are you trying to seduce me prince of ivor" ryujin joked and giggled
"Kind offff" Felix laughed
Hyunjin who's eyes were hurting by the scene in front of him coughed
"Princess ryujin it's late you must be tired let me escort you to your room" he finally spoke up
"Oh no hyunjin I'll go by myself " ryujin replied as she stood up , she gently took felix's hand and kissed it "I'll see you soon your highness" she mumbled Felix smiled at her and she finally moved towards the door
Once she was standing right In front of hyunjin she whispered "know your limits Mr. Hwang misbehaving with me could cost you a person named yeji" she whispered and walked off and hyunjin nodded
"You look mad" Felix exclaimed as hyunjin shut the door
"I'm fine " hyunjin replied
Felix stared at Hyunjin an uncomfortable silence settling between them
Hyunjin soon went to the washroom to have a bath
Once he came back he was in a casual attire a t-shirt and sweatpants and felix was doing something on his phone
"Hey" hyunjin mumbled
Again silence almost as if the words died down in both of their throats
Hyunjin for some reason started working out just light push-ups and felix diverted his attention from the phone to hyunjin
"Your posture is wrong" Felix exclaimed
And hyunjin cocked an eyebrow at him
"You're gonna break your wrist like that wait" Felix replied , he stood up and went to where hyunjin was working out , he slightly bent down ,kept one hand on hyunjin's torso and other on his back and slightly pushed him upwards
"Keep a little more distance between your hands and legs" he commanded and hyunjin followed
"Like this ?" He asked
"Perfect" Felix replied and plopped down on the sofa directly facing hyunjin
After Hyunjin finished working out he got up and wiped the sweat on his forhead with a towel and sat next to felix on the sofa
Felix turned his head to look at Hyunjin and as they're eyes met hyunjin found himself drowning in felix's ocean eyes
"Your eyes are beautiful " He mumbled
Felix suddenly stood up and went towards one of the cabinets and took out a glass and a bottle of wine
He poured some wine but before he could drink it hyunjin snatched it away from him
"Oh I don't think you're supposed to drink this" hyunjin exclaimed
Felix gave him a warning look indicating him to put the glass down and Hyunjin shook his head
"No means no your highness " he announced but felix wasn't giving up on that wine anytime soon so he pinned hyunjin to the table next to the cabinet by his waist
"My glass" Felix whispered right next to hyunjin's ear
"What if I don't give it ?" Hyunjin asked cocking a brow at felix
"You're not really in a situation to deny me " Felix replied
"But I am denying you" hyunjin argued
"You shouldn't " Felix warned
"Or else " hyunjin teased and he felt felix's grip on his waist tighten "What are you going to do your highness" he asked wriggling his eyebrows
Being taller than Hyunjin Felix was slightly towering over him and hyunjin was standing between his legs
Even if Hyunjin was acting confident He was feeling a whole zoo in his stomach while looking to his side
"If you're gonna act like a brat atleast do it properly " Felix Hissed as he grabbed hyunjin's chin and made him look at himself
Hyunjin was too distracted by felix to notice that he already took the wine glass
"Thankyou bodyguard " Felix exclaimed as he backed off he showed hyunjin the glass
"You-asshole" Hyunjin shouted and felix chuckled
"From your highness to straight asshole , I call it  character development " he laughed
"Shut up" hyunjin muttered
"Aw you're mad . Were you thinking that I'm about to kiss you?" Felix teased and hyunjin's whole face turned red
"No why would I think that" hyunjin retorted
"Cuz you look disappointed " Felix replied
"That's not true" Hyunjin pouted
"Don't pout you'll get what you want sooner or later " Felix whispered and hyunjin's eyes widened
"You're a prince act like one will you " hyunjin groaned as he saw felix cockiky flop down on the bed 

Both of them soon went to bed and the next day hyunjin woke up in felix's arms , his face buried In the crook of felix's neck , he felt warm and fuzzy but he slowly tried to move away thinking felix was asleep but he finally looked up when he felt Felix's hold tightening and realized that felix was awake and staring at him
He felt his stomach do flips As he noticed felix's eyes move from his eyes to his lips and back to his eyes
"Uh good morning your highness" hyunjin muttered
"Morning pretty boy" Felix mumbled his morning voice doing things to Hyunjin's sanity
"Can you um let go of-f me " he stuttered
"No "
"Please "
"Please, you're warm and it feels good to hold you"
Hyunjin's cheeks flushed red at the remark and he nuzzled his head further into felix's neck
"See you love it "
"No ew" hyunjin cringed and felix laughed at him
They soon got up and felix went to the washroom to freshen up and hyunjin went to his room to grab some clothes
Hyunjin was getting ready when there was suddenly a violent knock on his door
"Yes" he answered
And the door just burst open
"Princess ryujin good morn-"
"Shut the fuck up"
Hyunjin's whole face went blank , he had no idea why ryujin was so mad
"What happened?" He asked
"You fucking bastard how did you do it ?" She asked a dirty scowl on her face
"How did I do what ?" Hyunjin asked Innocently
"How did you get yeji out of the godown I kept her in" she asked pointing a gun at hyunjin's throat
Ryujin was powerless in front of hyunjin even with a gun because hyunjin could in a snap of a finger snatch that gun away from her and point it at her , he was taller , more skilled , more powerful it wouldn't take him a minute to harm her but he wouldn't do that because he thinks he's already inflicted alot of damage to the Royal Family and now to harm the probable future queen of Ivor would be shitty to be honest

Hyunjin found ryujin's sheer audacity amusing and funny
"You're cute " he exclaimed "but I have no idea what you're on about" he chuckled and ryujin threw daggers at him with her eyes
"Look Hyunjin , yeji who I had held captive in a godown is not there anymore and someone helped her escape and as far as I know you're the only person who knew that I had her" ryujin explained
"I didn't do anything , yesterday the whole day I was with the prince so obviously I couldn't have helped her plus yeji is a genius she is very much capable of escaping herself " hyunjin argued
"You're delusional if you think I trust you" ryujin scoffed "You betrayed the family that raised you" she added
Hyunjin took a step closer to her and grabbed her by the back of her neck not harshly , not in a way to harm her but to hold her in her place
He bent down to her level and whispered "Princess I hope you know I'm not scared of you , your family or your royal status , if you think I will abide from showing you your place just because you may or may not be the future queen of Ivor then you clearly need a new brain"
He breathed heavily his hot breath hitting ryujin's face , This side of hyunjin sent shivers down her spine
"You think you can talk to me like I'm some slave of yours or threaten me whenever you want sometimes with a gun , sometimes with your position but you seem to forget it princess that I don't care about people's royal position if they make me mad remember how  I killed a queen and almost killed a prince " hyunjin scoffed and slipped his other hand to ryujin's waist
Ryujin shivered at the touch and her breath shuddered because of their proximity hyunjin could feel it
"You hold no power In front of me princess , I can do anything I want with you right now and you won't be able to do anything" hyunjin Hissed
"I can shoot you , you fucktard my gun is still pointed at your fucking throat " ryujin stuttered
"Oh little princess your hands are shaking they're so shaky that you probably won't even have the power to pull the trigger but I have a hand around your neck and that hand still has the power to snap it in half like a twig " hyunjin chuckled
"You're a bastard but I'm not weak I'll fucking kill you if you lay your hands on me" ryujin growled
Hyunjin tightened his grip on her waist and pulled her closer in a threatening way
"But I already have both my hands on you or around you same thing and these hands , this touch is making you feel so weak that your whole body is shaking and your breath is shuddering " hyunjin replied "I have nothing against you up until now but if you don't stop being a bitch I might start being a bigger one " hyunjin warned and backed off away from her

Felix watched this whole interaction from outside the room through partially open door , he couldn't hear anything but he could see everything


A/n- idk Kind of a shitty chapter but ok hope you liked it also I promise future chapters will be better also I'll post the introduction chapter of the new hyunlix book 'Alchemy of Death' right after this so go check it out and take care lovelies , have a good day/night or whatever you're having
Love y'all

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