chapter 19

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"We are not cancelling the wedding just because Marium is missing." Rumaisa argued with Alejandro who the girls had sworn had gotten a few extra wrinkles on his face. They couldn't blame him, Rumaisa was a huge piece of work. 

"We are not having this wedding without Marium." Rayyana argued back. "Why not? She's not even important!" Rumaisa threw her hands up and sat down on her throne putting her head in her hands. She wasn't important to the wedding but Rayyana couldn't imagine attending a wedding knowing her friend was missing.

"Fine, then we just wont attend the wedding." Rida said shrugging. "No, out of the question," Rumaisa shook her head having the audacity to still invite them even after her active hate for them. "I want you all to be there when I get married, so you can see that this wedding is legit." 

Yeah, legit as her love for Alejandro which was nothing. "in earnest mine own loveth, alloweth those folk not cometh." Alejandro rubbed at his eyes seeming very tired. It had been almost a full 24 hours since Marium was missing, Valen and the other guards still outside searching for her even as the crickets chirped. 

"No," Rumaisa slammed her fist on the throne "They will attend whither they like or not." The wedding was supposed to be in a week's time. The palace was slowly ending the decoration with the Gazebo fully decorated. Rumaisa and Alejandro had decided to begin practice tomorrow so in a week, they could be ready. 

The front doors open revealing a very frantic Balisto "has Valen returned?" when everyone shook their heads at him he sighed and looked out the window "That man is so in love." 

"have you ever been in love?" Jean asked Balisto seeming serious. Balisto looked at Jean and then briefly at Alejandro who was still rubbing his eyes before quickly looking away "I loved my wife." The girls all stared at him astonished. "You have a wife?" Balisto gave them a light smile "Had, I had a wife." 

"Oh...i'm sorry." was she dead? Rayyana would never know because Balisto went quiet and the front door opened, revealing a very bloody and defeated Valen. His white hair streaked with blood, as he pounded through the doors. 

"Valen, what the fuck happened to you?" Rida asked cringing at the amount of blood on him. He looked up, his voice deep and he huskily said "I had promised myself I would never kill anyone in my entire life. Tonight, I have killed many without remorse or a backwards glance." 

Everyone froze at his confession. He had broken his promise to himself...just for Marium? "Valen you..." Balisto trailed off not believing that Valen had supposedly killed so many. Hm, interesting. Is there more to the story then Valen was letting on? 

"How many?" Gojo asked seeming interested. Valen smiled "To prove my point, I have brought the bodies back." everyone ran outside to where Valen had left the bodies. Everyone let out a gasp, Fatima covered her mouth with her hands in shock, as everyone else was. 

Two truckloads of bodies. 

Valen had managed to kill enough people to fill two truckloads. "Valen mine own knave, i am joyous with thee!" Alejandro said clapping Valen on the back. Valen looked murderous, but Rayyana could see the pain in his eyes as he looked at the dead bodies. 

It must have been hard for him to go against his promise. But he had still down it...for Marium. Rayyana looked away from him knowing that no matter how much Valen and Marium loved each other, they would never be together. Rayyana's warning hadn't helped Marium but maybe if she explained to Valen he would understand. 

But then again, should Rayyana talk to him? It seemed to her like something Marium would want to tell him...she thought about it and decided to give it a try. after all, At the most he will kill her. 

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