Chapter 27

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Marium, Fatima, Rida, Gojo, Valen, and Jean had never been so tired before.

They had been rowing for hours, finally seeing land. "Oh thank goodness." Marium said laying on the ground. "I could kiss this ground right now." Valen leaned over and said "how about you kiss me instead?"

"Are you never not horny?" Marium exclaimed "not when it involves you baby." Marium chuckled and shook her head before kissing Valen roughly.

"Horny ass." Rida said as if she wasn't dry humping Gojo in a room filled with people. "Wait." Fatima said getting up fast, hitting Jean on the nose. "Ow!" Jean exclaimed rubbing his nose. "Sorry Pookie bear." Fatima kissed him, getting lost in the moment.

"Ahem!" Fatima and Jean turned to Rida who raised an eyebrow "you were saying?" Fatima scrunched her nose in confusion before saying "oh yes! We left Rayyana behind."


"FUCK!" Marium yelled "I knew we were missing something!"

Everyone stared out into the sea. Was Rayyana alive? Who knew.

"Should we...go back for her?"

"Fuck no."

"This boat is strong as fuck." Rayyana said, her hair whipping around like crazy. Grima's boat was faster and stronger than the dingy one she had stolen. "Of course it is, I magicked it."

Merlin was beside Rayyana, the wind whipping his fur around. "Heh Merlin, wanna pose titanic style?" Merlin turned to her with a sassy look on his face. "You touch me, I throw you off."

Rayyana rolled her eyes, focusing instead on the land that was in front of them. And the 6 people. "Is that..." she trailed off squinting her eyes.

Yup, her bitch ass friends. "GOING SLOWER!" Grima yelled out slowing down. Rayyana watched as her friends panicked and tried to get up from the sand but they were too slow.

Grima slowed the boat, the tip of it stopping just enough to boop Rida's nose.

"Almost ran them-"
"Run them over." Rayyana said glaring down at the people she considered friends.

"Run them over."

"RAYYANA!" She watched as Fatima and Rida ran up the boat, Rida enveloping her in a hug while Fatima stood there. "So glad you're back!" They said. Rayyana stepped back from the hug "oh yeah? I would have been back sooner if you guys hadn't fucking left me behind, again!"

Rida and Fatima looked at each other before saying "we're sorry, we were trapped!" And then they told the whole story about how they got trapped, and how they met this bitch Ellie and her dog ziggy.

"Huh...sounds like someone I know." Rayyana said wondering where she had heard those names before. "Wait the king..who was he?"

Rayyana asked walking down the plank. She was face to face with Marium who was looking back at her. "Marium." Rayyana said with a nod "Rayyana." Marium said with a nod.

"You're alive. You escaped."
"That's nice..I'm going to strangle you now."

Rayyana grabbed onto Marium's throat, strangling her as hard as she could. "Help!" Marium chocked out gagging and holding onto Rayyana's hands. "Rayyana let her go!" Valen said pulling Marium while Fatima and Rida pulled Rayyana back.

Rayyana finally let go, making Marium fall against Valen. "What was that for?!" Valen demanded "for leaving me behind after I graciously went to fucking rescue her."

"I didn't ask you too!" Marium said panting. "I'm still gonna kill you." Marium straightened up, clearly angry. "Oh yeah?" She said grabbing onto Rayyana's hair, Rayyana grabbed onto Mariums hair both of them fighting.

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