hanging out!!! :p (requested by definitely a guest)

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(art up there not by me, ITS BY FUNKER ON YT!!!! :D I REALLY RECOMMEND WATCHING THEIR CONTENT. ITS HIGH QAULITY! also istg if this does not show imma fucking scream )

  Animatic and Clock had gotten away from their contestants once again, and today they were gonna adventure! With the use of Polka Dots portals, they could really go anywhere. They didn't really decide on where to go first, so they just randomly picked. "Ooh! This one!" Clock said, pointing to a portal and dragging Animatic in. "WOWOWOE-" Animatic said in shock, as they smelled a cool breeze with a salt water likes smell. They were on a cruise ship "woah!! Look at how clear the water is!" Clock said while leaning over the railing, you could see the fish swimming in it. Animatic drifted away from Clock, entertained by the colorful boat. It was colored with a blue ombre paint, with sparkles. The host stepped into the cabin, looking at all the different controls. "Ooooohhhh.... buttonz........" As soon as Animatic went to press an button, a blue object colored just like the boat stepped behind them. (AGGGHHHH THESE SRE MY OCS :3333333) "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOIN!?" The blue object shouted. Animatic jumped in shock, quickly turning around. It sprinted over to the new object and picked them up, "OOOH!!! NEW FRIEND!!!!!"

Meanwhile, Clock was still looking at the water. They jumped in shock as they hear Animatics yelling from inside the ship, they ran in. Looking for Animatic, just too see them holding a object.. with some sort of fluff? "LET GO OF ME!!!" the blue object growled. "why???????" Animatic said in their usually silly tone. Clock sighed and tapped Animatics leg (since their short asf 😔) "put them down animatic-" Clock said, Animatic quickly put them down not wanting to cause any trouble. Soon after, a magenta and light green flashlight who also had some fluff stepped out from the other room. "Whats going on silly???" The flashlight said. Putting their hand onto Silly's shoulder.  "That weird ball thing was trying to mess with the ship controls!!!!!!!!!"  Silly said, pointing at Animatic. The flashlight looked at the Clock beside them and sighed, but then they realized... "wait how the fuck did you guys get here?....." The flashlight said, Animatic and Clock looked at eachother to try to find a way to explain the way they had got here. "Uhhhhh a portal......." Clock muttered. They all stood there in akward silence, until Animatic blurted out something they had been wondering... "are you guys dating?" The two objects looked at eachother in shock, but also with flushed faces. (giggles) While Clock nervously giggled, they really hated meeting new people....(sorryf for interrupting butg i was checking funkers twitter and thy posted something where depradon said that Clock is shy around people they don't know and aren't a big fan on surprises so I decided to use that a lil in this chapter ^_^) "shut up.." The flashlight said, in a very small tone. Clock started fidgeting and Animatic soon noticed, making them grab onto Clocks hand to calm them down. Clock looked over to Animatic and smiled shyly with some blush covering their face while Animatic gave them a smile. Anyways, back to the other objects. "U-uh anyways! What are your guys names?" Silly said, changing the topic. "I'm Animatic!" Animatic said raising its hand, Clock quickly introduced themselves the same way after Animatic squeezed their hand to get their attention.  "Cool names! Im silly." Silly said. "And I'm Flashy!"  The flashlight said. "How did you guys... get this ship?" Clock said in curiosity. "Oh we got it from this weird blanket thing, it had wires for a tail and like.. antennas? They also had thick limbs just like you!" Silly said while pointing and Clock. "Coolio! Is there anything we can do here though???" Animatic said. Silly thought for a moment till something popped into their head, "apples to apples!!" Clock and Animatic titled their head at the suggestion. "What is that?" Clock said. "Well, it's this game where you pick a card, and likeee..." Flashy rambled on, explaining the game and its rules. "Sounds good! Let's play it!" Animatic said, the two object went to get the game. Leaving Animatic and Clock by themselves. "Sooooooooo.... what do u think of these objectz?" Animatic said to Clock, Clock had to think for a moment. The only thing they had been really focused on was them trying not to embarass themselves infront of these new objects. "I think their pretty cool..." Clock said, Animatic picked up Clock and hugged them out of nowhere. It kind of surprised Clock but then they didn't mind. They sat there for a good minute, feeling eachothers warmth/presence. They soon heard footsteps, so Animatic gave Clock a quick peck and sat them back down. Which flustered Clock. "Were back!!!" Flashy and Silly said, the 4 objects started the game. It lasted for awhile, but it all came down to Clock and Flashy. They stared eachother fiercely in the eyes. (Fyi silly and animatic aren't out they just don't have enough cards to win and flashy and clock are only 1 card away so they just gave upf but they still pulled cards) As Animatic read out the word, they both quickly slapped their cards down. Animatic inspected each card before picking.., "This one!!" Animatic said holding it up to show them  it was Clocks card! "YAAAY!!!!!" Clock said while grabbing the card. "Good game!" Flashy said, shaking Clocks hand. "Oh we better get going now!" Clock said while looking at Animatic. Animatic nodded and they walked to the portal that the other two objects hadn't noticed yet. Right as they were about to walk out, silly had to ask something.. "are you guys dating?" The same question Animatic had asked the two objects before. "Yeah!!!!!" Animatic said while running into the portal. Picking another universe to go too.


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