hfjone real!!!!!!!! (requested by: RandomGatoOnLeLoose) PART:1

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this is just me attempting to write a crack fic chapter or wtv u call it lol

Animatic and Clock were searching through that weird... thing... polka dot has. Clock always wondered what it was, it was like.. a bunch of connected channels? It was hard to explain.
"WAIT ANIMATIC SLOW DO-" Clock screamed before getting cutoff by the strong force of being slammed onto the ground. "ow..." Clock said, opening her eyes but only halfway. "Woah! what is this unique and tranquil loacation ??" (haha reference to the crossover video im so funny haha hah... hah... okay nevermind) it was a green and grassy field. With some sort of hollowed out tree stump? It was rather large.
Clock turned their head to see if there was anything else there, and then she saw... a candle? A blue one to be exact. Clock pulled themselves up off the ground, and got Animatic to stand up aswell.
""Who is that?" Animatic said, too loudly. It caught the candles attention, they looked startled for a moment. Then confused. Clock looked a little bit behind them and saw some other objects too, all of them looked rather sad.
Animatic and Clock slowly walked over too them, not wanting to startle them. But right before they reached them Animatic sprinted up in front all of them. "HIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!" Animatic said literally bursting the other objects ear drums. "-Jesus christ why are you screaming.." One of the objects said. (it was bryce sjejjrejwjdjejwksmsm) Animatic gasped, looking at the bottle. It was empty. "What would happen if someone put soda in you?" Animatic said. "what." The bottle replied. Clock was busy talking to the other objects so he didn't notice what Animatic was doing until he heard a voice yell: "WHA- WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? GET OFF ME!!!!!" Clock looked over to Animatic and saw her pouring soda into the bottle.
Clock just ignored it, thinking it was funny. Clock shifted her focus back onto the crowd of objects. "Who are you..?" A lunchtray said, (DUDE I DONT KNOW THEIR NAME HELP) "i am clock!! Thing that you tell the time - oh wait my name is not an acronym..." Clock said. (they whispered that last part eixkkeks)
As they all talked, there was Liam. Staring at the plane in confusion.
"what the-"
(shouldg I make a part two cause I don't wanna continue it rn and I wanna work on other requests..
yes? okay yay)

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