12.The turn of the game

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Shanaya's words hung in the air like a challenge. "This won't happen at all," she said, her voice firm and resolute. Everyone felt silent, their eyes fixed on her as if waiting for an explanation.

Saransh's father, Mr. Raichand, was the first to break the silence. "What do you mean, Shanaya?" he asked, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance.

Shanaya took a deep breath before continuing. "Saransh is in a relationship with me, and he loves me. He can't marry anyone else."

The room erupted into chaos. Sana's family was shocked

"How can this be?"  "Saransh, is this true?" Mr Raichand asked

Saransh hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Haan, papa. It's true."

Mr. Raichand's face turned red with anger. "How could you do this, Saransh? You were engaged to Sana, and now you're saying you're in love with someone else?"

Saransh took a deep breath before explaining. "Papa, I know I was engaged to Sana, but that was only because of your wishes. I didn't know Shanaya then, but after meeting her, I realized my mistake. I fell in love with her, and I can't marry anyone else. I swear on my family's honor that I'm telling the truth. Sana's behavior pushed me towards Shanaya, and now I can't imagine my life without her."

Ikshit, who had been watching the scene unfold, was shocked. He didn't know what to believe. Was Saransh telling the truth, or was this all a fake game to get out of his engagement?

The room was filled with tension as everyone tried to process what was happening. One thing was certain: nothing would ever be the same again.

Ikshit was still in shock, but he decided to remain calm and observe the situation. Saransh's mother, Mrs. Raichand, walked towards Saransh and said, "Beta, if you truly love Shanaya, then I'm with you." Saransh smiled and thanked her.

However, Sana's father, Mr. Mishra, was furious. "This is wrong, Mr. Raichand! Your son can't break my daughter's heart like this! This is unacceptable!" he exclaimed.

Saransh stood firm. "I'm sorry, sir, but I can't marry Sana. I didn't know Shanaya then, but now I can't imagine my life without her."

Mr. Mishra's face turned red with anger. "You're a cheap person, Saransh! You don't deserve my daughter!"

Saransh's eyes narrowed. "Cheap? What did you just call me, Mr. Mishra? I think you forgot that our families are business partners, and if you insult me again, you know what I can do."

Shanaya stepped forward, her voice firm. "You don't have the right to call my boyfriend cheap, Mr. Mishra. Mind your words, or I won't stand for it again."

Mr. Mishra sneered. "You and your boyfriend go to hell!" He stormed out of the room, taking Sana with him.

The atmosphere was tense, but Saransh's mother tried to calm everyone down. "Let's not fight. We'll resolve this amicably."

But the damage was done. The engagement was off, and the two families were at loggerheads. The question was, what next?

"The party is over, you all can go," Mr. Raichand announced, his voice firm and authoritative.

Saransh and Shanaya followed him, with Mrs. Raichand, Shruti, and Ikshit trailing behind. The tension was palpable as they walked into a private room.

"You have no idea what you've done, Saransh," Mr. Raichand began, his anger simmering. "You've ruined our reputation. How could you have an affair with your business partner while being engaged to Sana

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