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when someone entered inside the cabin saransh looked up to see who has came

"You" Saransh said being shocked

A tall and handsome man, around 6'1" with a chiseled physique that seemed carved from granite. His piercing blue eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief, and his chiseled jawline was accentuated by a sharp nose and full lips that curled into a sly smile. His dark hair was perfectly messy, and his tailored black suit clung to his broad shoulders, exuding an aura of power and sophistication. A silver watch glinted on his wrist, and a subtle scent of expensive cologne wafted around him, making him radiate an air of confident charm.

"Hello, brother," He said, as Saransh stood up and walked towards him. But before he could react, Saransh landed a punch on his face. "Shameless Reyansh Rathore, you didn't even bother to meet your friend for two years, and now you show up out of the blue?"

Reyansh hissed in pain, "Abe, I was busy, that's why I couldn't come. How are you, and where is Ikshit?"

Saransh gestured for them to sit on the couch, and they did. "Ikshit got married, and he's currently out of Mumbai with his wife."

Reyansh's eyes widened in surprise. "The shameless guy got married without even telling me!"

Saransh chuckled. "His marriage was a bit complicated, but I'll tell you all about it later. There's something more important I need to discuss with you."

Reyansh's curiosity was piqued, and Saransh revealed everything about Shanaya and their night together. Reyansh burst out laughing. "Whoa, bro! You went from being a shy guy who avoided girls in school and college to spending the night with one in a hotel room! You're a changed man, Saransh Raichand!"

"I wasn't shy, I just didn't like those clingy and attitude-filled girls," Saransh clarified.

Reyansh teased, "Oh, so what about Shanaya?"

Saransh smiled. "She's just my fake girlfriend, and I'll reveal the truth to everyone in a few days. Nothing more to it."

Reyansh chuckled. "Bro, you're attracted to her, don't deny it. I know you too well, Saransh."

Saransh nodded slightly, acknowledging the truth. Reyansh grinned proudly, "I told you so!"

Saransh changed the subject, "Anyway, let's head home. Mom is missing you a lot.

Reyansh nodded, and they both stood up, ready to leave.

Time skip: Saransh and Reyansh arrived at Saransh's home, and as they entered, they found Saransh's mom, dad, and Armaan sitting on the sofa in the living room. Reyansh received a warm welcome as Saransh's mom hugged him, followed by his dad and Armaan.

"Two years have passed, and you finally show up!" Saransh's mom exclaimed.

Armaan teased, "Where were you all this time, Reyansh bhai?"

Reyansh smiled, "I was a bit busy, but I'm here now."

Saransh's mom invited, "Come, let's sit down and have some snacks. I've made your favorite kachoris!"

Reyansh's eyes lit up, "Of course, aunty! I can't resist your handmade kachoris!"

They all sat down at the dining table, and soon, Saransh's mom brought out a plate of freshly made kachoris. Reyansh took a bite and praised, "Delicious, aunty! Your hands have magic!"

Everyone agreed, savoring the delicious snacks and enjoying each other's company.

They all enjoyed themselves immensely, relishing the delicious snacks and engaging in lively conversations. As they chatted, time flew by, and before they knew it, hours had passed.

Time skip:

The evening wore on, with laughter and stories filling the air. Saransh's mom brought out dinner, and they all sat down to enjoy a warm, home-cooked meal together. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and camaraderie, a sense of belonging and joy.

As the night drew to a close, Reyansh thanked Saransh's family for their hospitality, feeling grateful for the reunion. "I'm so glad I came," he said, smiling. "It feels like no time has passed at all."

Saransh turned to Reyansh with a mischievous grin. "Bro, chal club chalte hai?" (Bro, let's go to the club?)

Reyansh's eyes lit up, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely, bro! I'm in!"

Without another word, they headed out to their favorite club, eager to let loose and have a good time. As they entered the club, the pulsating music and vibrant lights enveloped them, setting the tone for a night to remember.

Saransh and Reyansh made their way to the bar, where they ordered their favorite drinks and began to catch up on old times. They talked about everything from their college days to their latest adventures, laughing and joking like they used to.

As the night wore on, they danced and sang along to the music, losing themselves in the moment. Reyansh, being the charming one, soon drew a crowd of admirers, including a few girls who couldn't resist his charisma. Saransh, on the other hand, was content to observe from a distance, sipping his drink and enjoying the music.

At one point, Reyansh grabbed the mic and started singing a popular Bollywood number, getting the whole club to join in. Saransh couldn't help but laugh at his friend's antics, feeling grateful for the reunion and the joy that Reyansh brought into his life.

After a while, Reyansh had gone to get a drink, and Saransh was chillin' on the couch when he spotted Shanaya with an unknown girl. He walked over to them, "Hey Shanaya!"

Shanaya was taken aback, but she knew Saransh often came to the club. "Hey," she replied, and Saransh curiously glanced at the girl standing with her. "Umm...this is my school friend Naina Rajput, and Naina, this is my business partner, Saransh Raichand," Shanaya introduced.

Saransh smiled, and Naina smiled back. Just then, a voice from behind said, "Hello, ladies!" Reyansh had arrived, and Shanaya became curious about who this was. "Umm...this is my school friend Reyansh Rathore," Saransh explained, "and Rey, I've told you about Shanaya, right?"

Reyansh nodded, and Shanaya gave him a smile, which he returned. The group stood there for a moment, a mix of familiarity and new connections, as the music and lights of the club pulsed around them.

"Guys, I'll get us drinks," Naina said, walking away. Reyansh gazed after her and said, "I'll be right back," following her.

Saransh teased, "So, you're here to pass the time or erase morning's memories?" Shanaya rolled her eyes, "Shut up." Saransh flirted, "We could be more than friends, you know." Shanaya playfully scolded, "You're talking too much, stop it.
Saransh chuckled , "Just kidding, chill."

Meanwhile, Reyansh and Naina "You won't let me live in peace, will you, Hena?" Reyansh said, Naina chuckled, "How can I let you live in peace, Mr. Rathore, when you've made my life a living hell?" Reyansh moved closer, grasped her waist, and pulled her near. "This is just a trailer, Miss Naina Rajput ," he whispered, leaving her stunned and walking away. "Bastard," Naina muttered under her breath.

Reyansh returned to Saransh and Shanaya, with Naina following closely behind. Saransh and Shanaya exchanged a suspicious glance, observing the chemistry between Reyansh and Naina.

"Let's head home, guys," Reyansh suggested, and everyone nodded in agreement. They began to make their way out of the club, each lost in their own thoughts.

As they parted ways, Saransh turned to Shanaya and whispered, "Looks like Reyansh has found a new friend." Shanaya raised an eyebrow, smiling knowingly.

The night ended with a hint of new beginnings and unresolved tensions, leaving everyone wondering what the future held for these complex relationships.


That's it for today I hope you all will like it
Next chapter will be out soon
Till then take care and bbyee

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