14.Awkward feelings

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The next day, Saransh woke up to an unexpected sight. Shanaya was still hugging him, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist. He felt a surge of embarrassment as he realized they had spent the entire night in each other's arms.

Saransh's mind raced with thoughts of what Shanaya might think of him when she woke up. Would she be angry? Embarrassed? Or worse, would she think he had taken advantage of her vulnerability?

Gently, Saransh removed Shanaya's arms from his waist and got out of bed, trying not to disturb her. He quickly made his way to the washroom, hoping to collect his thoughts before facing Shanaya.

He came out of the washroom,
As he stood in front of the mirror, Saransh couldn't help but chuckle at the awkwardness of the situation. Who would have thought that he, Saransh, would be in this predicament with Shanaya, of all people?

He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the morning ahead. Little did he know, Shanaya was already awake, watching him from the bed with a curious expression...


As I sat up, my eyes fell on Saransh, still shirtless, and I couldn't help but notice how his back muscles flexed as he moved. I mean, of course, he's still shirtless - I had taken his shirt off last night, after all! But, oh my, his back is just as chiseled as his front. Why am I having these unholy thoughts? I scolded myself, trying to shake off the inappropriate feelings. This is wrong, Shanaya. You shouldn't be thinking this way.

Just then, Saransh caught my gaze and chuckled to himself, seemingly oblivious to my internal struggle. He was admiring himself in the mirror, completely unaware of the turmoil he was causing me. I rolled my eyes, trying to appear nonchalant, but my heart was racing. Get a grip, Shanaya! You're a strong, independent woman. Don't let a little thing like a shirtless Saransh get to you.

But as I watched him, I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest. Maybe it was the way he was smiling to himself, or the way his hair curled slightly at the nape of his neck. Whatever it was, I knew I needed to get out of there before I did something I might regret...


As I stood in front of the mirror, adjusting my hair, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. I knew someone was watching me, and I was pretty sure it was Shanaya. I recalled the events of the previous night, and while some moments were fuzzy, others were embarrassingly clear. But I shrugged it off, thinking, "let bygones be bygones."

I turned towards Shanaya, and our eyes met. She looked like she was trying to appear nonchalant, but I could see the hint of a blush on her cheeks. I smirked, feeling a bit mischievous. "I know I'm handsome," I said with a grin, "if you keep staring like that, you might just get blinded by my charm."

Shanaya rolled her eyes, but I could see the corners of her mouth twitching. She was trying not to smile, but I knew I had gotten to her. I felt a surge of satisfaction, knowing that I could still make her blush despite our complicated history.


Saransh and Shanaya's verbal sparring match had been escalating all morning, with neither one willing to back down. But when Shanaya rolled her eyes and said, "Galt fehmi me ho Mr. Raichand, ap itne bhi handsome nahi hai," Saransh knew he had to take action.

"Accha to fir raat ko aur abhi continuously mujhe tum gur rahi ho, usko me kya samjhu Miss Roy?" Saransh shot back, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Shanaya's face turned red with annoyance. "Me nahi gur rahi!" she insisted, but Saransh just chuckled.

"Haan, vo dekha maine," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

That was it. Shanaya had had enough. She grabbed a pillow from the bed and hurled it at Saransh, hitting him squarely on the head. "Ouch!" Saransh yelped, clutching his head in pain.

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