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"I don't know. Vision is working with the FBI to try and figure out their next move."

Mira hated having to report back to Ross but given the seriousness of the situation, she was a little bit less bothered than normal. As much as she hated the man mainly because he saw her as an abomination that shouldn't exist simply because she was half Renterian, it didn't change the fact that it was normal humans exchanging this technology. If she showed up during the next bust, they would go all out which would just put innocent people in danger.

"Just keep a look-out," Ross told her as she made her way toward her locker, having finally managed to escape MJ who had been watching her like a hawk all morning.

Hence why she had waited to do her morning phone call with Ross till Michelle had spotted Jason in distress, quickly rushing after him with her notepad.

"I want you on standby if something goes wrong. We have a theory about where their next meet is but if they set off the weapons we will need the big guns."

At least being called a big gun was better than a nuclear weapon.

"Got it."

Hanging up, she yanked open her locker tossing her government phone inside, which thanks to her freak out this morning was the only working phone she had, before hiding her head inside the darkness praying that the metal would morph into a black hole and suck her into an alternative universe. One where she wasn't the daughter of Marcus Rohan, one where she had never been born so no one knew who she was and couldn't use her like a plaything they could just take out of the toy box whenever they wanted.


The cheerful voice from beside her caused her to tense up, dread bubbling in her stomach. She had been hoping that he wouldn't come to her locker today. She didn't want to avoid Peter, hell that was the last thing she wanted but she also needed time to get this crush under control. The familiar smell of her number 6 sandwich was not helping with that mission. Summoning her courage, she plastered a big smile on her face and grabbed her literature textbook before finally forcing herself to face Peter who was leaning against the locker beside her, arms crossed over his chest.

She gulped, hands going clammy at the sight of his face.

Her heart fluttered slightly as he smiled at her holding out the sandwich towards her like he did every morning.


This was going to be harder than she originally suspected.

Taking the sandwich, she let out a nervous breath as their fingers brushed, a blush quickly starting to appear on her face which she instantly covered up by ripping through the brown paper wrapping around her sandwich and taking a massive bite.

Peter gulped a weird sensation running through him at the touch, rubbing the back of his neck he cleared his throat shoving whatever he was feeling back down "You didn't answer your phone." They normally spoke every morning, hell the first thing he did every morning was text her to make sure she was awake given she normally slept through her alarm clock. If she didn't respond within ten minutes, he would call her.

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