Obsessive Torment

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In the depths of my heart, a fire burns uncontrolled,A passion so fierce, it consumes my very soul

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In the depths of my heart, a fire burns uncontrolled,
A passion so fierce, it consumes my very soul.
She haunts my every thought, my every waking dream,
Her face etched in my mind, an inescapable scheme.

I watch her from afar, a silent, tortured ghost,
Longing for her touch, the love I desire most.
Her beauty is a curse, a siren's fatal call,
Drawing me ever closer to the edge of my downfall.

I cannot escape the hold she has on my heart,
Each moment spent apart tears me further apart.
I crave her presence, her scent, her gentle touch,
But she remains unaware, oblivious to my love.

In the shadows I lurk, a prisoner of my own desire,
My love for her a secret, a raging, unquenchable fire.
I dare not speak the words that burn within my breast,
For fear of her rejection, the ultimate test.

My days are filled with anguish, my nights with endless tears,
The weight of my obsession growing heavier with the years.
I am a slave to my passion, a captive of my heart,
Forever bound to her, even as we remain apart.

Oh, the agony of loving one who cannot be mine,
To be so close to her, yet forever out of time.
I am a wretch, a creature of the night,
Condemned to love her always, despite my wretched plight.

In my darkest moments, I imagine her embrace,
Her lips upon mine, a lover's tender grace.
But reality crashes down, shattering my fragile dream,
Leaving me broken, lost in love's cruel scheme.

I am a woman possessed, consumed by my desire,
My love for her a curse, a never-ending fire.
I will love her always, even as it destroys me,
For she is my everything, my heart's true destiny.

Though the world may judge me, and call me mad,
I cannot help but love her, this obsession I have.
She is the air I breathe, the reason I survive,
Without her, I am nothing, just a shell, barely alive.

So I will continue to love her, from afar and in silence,
Bearing the weight of my obsession, the ultimate penance.
For she is my soulmate, my heart's one true love,
And I will love her forever, even as I rise above.

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