Chapter 18 | Primitive Passions

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Alistaire entered the one room hobble with a string of rabbits over his shoulder. His pregnant wife Sofia was crouched over the fire, stoking it to life. Her hair fell wildly over her shoulders, cascading down her back. Alistaire admired her frame for a lingering moment, before making his presence known. He set the pair of rabbits, that had fallen victim to his traps he set the day before, at her feet. She struggled to find her balance and stood to her feet to greet him with a passionate kiss. Her small bump, brushed against his waist, a reminder of her growing condition. "Do you think we will have enough to last us through the winter months?" Sofia asked, picking up the string of rabbits. With a child now on the way her thoughts of surviving the harshest, coldest months of the year without the protection of MacDonald castle often weigh on her mind. "I have heard rumors that our highlander warriors are embarking on a journey to McKinney castle to take back the dowry that was stolen from Laird McLeod. This confirms that Ewan has taken my place and married the McLeod lass in my stead. I think we should return to castle MacDonald while my father and brother are absent. When they return and see that we are married and you with child, they will have no choice but to embrace us." Sofia's face contorted at her husband's plan. "They will shame me, Alistaire... They will never embrace me. I was a scullery maid- I am a scullery maid." Her eyes fell to the floor in embarrassment. He pressed his thumb underneath her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. "You are my wife. You look down to no one. Yes, we may have acted rash- but we were fools in love. They cannot begrudge us that forever. Not when things have worked out in everyone's favor." Sofia shook her head at her husband's optimism. "I need you warm and fed for the winter. And when your time comes, you will need help to deliver the babe. If I must sacrifice my pride to provide for my family, then that is what I will do." He looked intently into her eyes, then placed the palm of his hand on belly, protectively. "You have already sacrificed so much for me, Alistaire." Sofia's eyes began to water with tears of regret. She had been selfish and foolish in her actions, but she was too impulsive in nature to deny the yearnings of her heart. Alistaire was too much of a force to resist. "And I would do it all over again. The stolen kisses. The tristes at midnight in my chambers. Falling in love with you. Making our bairn. Marrying you. All of it." He kissed her, making her forget her tears and her worries. He kissed her forcefully, possessively, in a way only a husband can kiss his wife. Their kisses continued as their hands feverishly began to explore each other's bodies- began to untie strings, undo buttons, shedding off layers. Until they were both standing in a naked embrace. Alistaire began to nibble on her ear, coaxing soft sighs and moans from her lips. "How is it possible that my desire from you has grown since you became with child," he asked feverishly. "As if I could have ever imagined you could become more beautiful..." He said trailing his kisses down her neck. "Fuller..." He whispered against her heavy breasts. He slipped a finger down the length of her, searching for that familiar spot between her legs. "Warmer, and more drenched," he added as his fingers entered her. She gasped, and he swallowed it with his mouth. He backed her up against their shared cot, not daring to break the kiss. Alistaire nudged her to lay on her back. Then, with his knee, spread her legs open wide for him. She reached for his erection, stroking it within her slender fingers. She craved the fullness of him inside of her. As she continued her languid strokes, Alistaire dipped down to her breasts. He sucked and nipped at her nipples as his fingers plunged inside her once more. In-between sharp, hastened breaths she bit out, "Don't toy with me, Alistaire... I want you now." She guided his thick length towards her entrance. Alistaire retracted his fingers and inserted each one leisurely into his mouth. Sofia watched with hooded eyes as he sucked each one clean of her sweet taste. Her fingernails planted into the muscles of his shoulders once he grabbed hold of his member. Sofia wriggled underneath him in anticipation. She was his perfect fit, like a sword being sheathed. Sighs filled the stale air of their humble shelter. They lost themselves in the pleasure the joining of their bodies elicited. They fell into a natural rhythm. Sofia reached up, pulling his neck down to her to claim his lips as he thrust inside of her. Their tongues danced together in a familiar motion. When they broke apart, Alistaire grabbed one of her hands that was gripping his shoulder. He placed it on the bud that bloomed right above her entrance. "Touch yourself," He instructed her, his voice low and sultry. She did not argue with him for once. Alistaire quickened his pace as she swirled her fingers over that tiny piece of flesh between her thighs. The need to fill her core with himself built with each stroke, but Alistaire held back with as much strength as he could muster. He waited, watching her face tighten with pleasure. He felt her walls tightening around his cock as he continued to keep the same pace. Sofia grinded her hips upwards, her back arching. She felt that sweet pleasure building from her core, rising through her belly. She shrieked as she lost control, trying to clamp her legs shut as the pleasure wrecked her. When her body finally relaxed, Alistaire knew he had satisfied his wife. He let go. She reached a sweaty palm to cup his cheek in gratitude. He unfolded himself inside her, with a guttural groan that ripped from his throat. Neither of them dared to move afterwards. Their sweaty skin clinging to each other as they gasped to catch their breaths.

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