Chapter 2-

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And then, something.

There was a soft whirring noise in the distance and a cooling sensation.
Everything felt fuzzy. Static, almost. Or, wait...
No, this was pins and needles.
Slowly, my senses came to me and my eyes fluttered opened; the light of the morning filtering in through the blinds of my bedroom window.

Bedroom window?

I was alive?

I looked down to the arm that I had slept on, the circulation had been cut-off and it felt nearly dead.


I pondered over the dream, or... nightmare?
I didn't know what to call it, because when I thought back to the way he had looked at me...

Grief. That was grief, I was sure of it.

"Shit- I haven't thought about Jeff in a really long time," I yawned, stretching out my arm and looking up to my ceiling, almost spacing out completely.

Was this something that I needed to ignore? Just some silly, subconscious thought symbolic of my adolescent years?


Was it a message? A warning? A scene that took place somewhere else entirely?

I recalled what he had asked me, about shifting realities and the many "me's" that Jeff had encountered.

Why had he encountered so many in the first place?

Was there a version of me he sought after?

I swore that, even now, I could feel his presence next to me... the weight of him on top of me, his arms wrapped around my own, and his lips grazing my left ear as he whispered,

"Wake up."

I clutched my chest as a vision of him stabbing me assaulted my memory.

No. No, (y/n), we're not doing this.

I took a deep breath and counted to ten.
I needed to ground.

Your name is (y/n).
You're twenty-four years old.
You have three siblings.
You are laying in your bed,
In your home.
You see... purple walls.
You feel... the cool air from the ceiling fan.
You hear... shuffling in the kitchen.
You're safe.

I took another breath.

"You're safe," I said.

It took me another fifteen minutes of laying there and affirming that the world I lived in was indeed my own, before getting up and getting prepared for the day.

It was a Saturday and I didn't have plans to do anything other than going grocery shopping for next week's dinners and maybe a bit of light reading.

I looked over to my nightstand. Next to a blue Tiffany lamp and a picture frame was a book. A manga. Specifically, Isekai. Which is a sub-genre of fantasy where a character in a story or series is suddenly transported from the only world that they've ever known, to a new, mystical or completely unfamiliar one. (Often times after a death event).

I stick to a lot of fantasy-romance genres and, throughout half of the Isekai mangas that I read, many of the main characters are transported from their world to another one that they had been familiar with- many times ones that they had read about themselves.

I was currently finishing one up about a college student who suddenly died and got Isekai'd into the most recent romance manga that she had been reading. She wakes up as the villainess and does her best to try to remember how to escape all of the awful things that happened with her "character's" storyline. Of course, the male lead, who was supposed to fall in love with the heroine, falls in love with the villainess instead; after a drastic personality change. The pathway of the story, one that was pre-written and set in ink, completely altered at her will.

It's crazy to think about the possibility of it all.

The thought of it lead me back, once again, to the dream that I had last night.

Were there versions of me out there that had been transported to a world where Creepypasta existed? That sought Jeff out so literally, through means of self-sacrifice or through attempts of reality shifting?

Or did I even dare to wonder if, instead, it was Jeff who came across me in a world where we both naturally existed, and that he was the one to seek me out in all other realms of my existence .

Did he want to eradicate my presence in the universe completely?

Or were there other motives at play?

The very idea of it gave me the chills.

I shook my head and pushed the thought away, laughing it off.

Complete nonsense- and we'd leave it at that.

 Isekai'd into my first fandom fixation (Jeff The Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now