Chapter 45-

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                                  (Jeff's POV)

I had woken up early this morning. (y/n) was making her way out of the bed- I had pretended to be asleep.

I don't know why she had gotten up so early.

Probably for something stupid.

I laid there as she picked out some clothes. They looked like the ones that she first arrived in.

She moved a few things in the drawer around and then stared at it for a moment longer before closing it up and leaving the room.

She hadn't noticed me watching.

I immediately swung my body up- the fabric of my hoodie and pants crackled from the dried blood.

I'm going to have to wash the bedding- but it was worth it if it made her uncomfortable to sleep next to me like that.

I smiled to myself and went to wash up and get changed.

I half-expected her to be back in the room by the time that I had finished- but she was nowhere to be seen.

Good. More time to myself.

I had been busy these past several days. Killing to my hearts content.

If I even had a heart left.

I thought back to all of the people that I stabbed and dismembered and killed slowly through the nights.

It was thrilling.

But my excitement fizzled when I remembered how unfazed (y/n) was at the sight of me. Both when I cut into myself and when I came back drenched in the blood of my victims.

Had it really not bothered her?

I ignored the twinge in my chest.

It occurred to me that I could have blown this all out of proportion- but I shot that idea down as soon as it came.

I hope one of those assholes down the hall has shown her the ride that she's in for.

I'm certainly not going to save her.

I sat in the room for a while longer.

She still didn't come back.

Two hours passed when I finally decided to go find something to do.

When I opened the door to the hallway, LJ had been approaching from down the hall.

He looked peculiarly happy. I didn't like it.

"(y/n) isn't here if you're looking to mess with her. You'll have to find entertainment somewhere else." I spat, annoyed by how much he had been showing his face around here lately.

He looked me up and down and let out a hideous laugh, "Oh, trust me," he said, wiping comical tears away from his eyes, "I know."

What the hell?

He started to walk away but looked over his shoulder to send me a devious smile, "You might have to take your own advice." He then skipped away gleefully down the stairs.

Fucking bastard. What did that mean?

I pushed him away from my thoughts and proceeded with my day.

I went downstairs to eat lunch.

I did the laundry.

I sharpened my knife in the living room.

I took a stroll in the forest.

I did strength training in the clearing of pines.

I went to town and completed three additional missions- which took me up until 11p.m. to complete.

It was a busy day- and throughout of all of it I never ran into (y/n)- not even once.

The Gods must be smiling down on me.

I made my way back to the mansion and up the stairs and into my bedroom.

When I closed the doors and turned on the lights, everything was as I left it.

I stood there amongst the silence.

A silence that I once loved

But now pierced my ears.

Where the fuck was she?

I threw my knife to the floor.

I would've noticed if she went home.

I ripped my clothes off my body.

Somebody would've mentioned had she left for good.

I stepped into the shower.

I didn't see her anywhere in the house.

I rinsed my hair and washed my body.

But she hasn't been back to the room all day.

I toweled myself off.

Did she get injured? She probably deserved it.

I put on my night clothes.

Was she with Slender?

I laid in bed.

Was she dead?

I scoffed.

Was she?

A smile crept up my face and I let out a laugh.

Whatever, it doesn't matter.

I turned to face the wall.

Go to sleep, Jeff.

I closed my eyes.

Go. To. Sleep.

 Isekai'd into my first fandom fixation (Jeff The Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now