Chapter 29-

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(Jeff's POV)

"Now, let's go back to," - Reality suddenly warped around me- the forest morphing into Slender's office room.

I really hate when he does that.

I looked at the entity that sat behind his desk.

He was obviously up to no good.

"Is there anything I can be of assistance with?" I asked- a hint of obvious annoyance staining my tone.

"It's what I can do for you," Slender replied and propped his featureless face onto his hand, "I want to talk about the child."

I frowned in disgust, "She's twenty-five years old, stop calling her a child."

"Ah, yes," he said, "forgive me, sometimes my senses overlap with those of other worlds." He continued- his voice dripping with amusement, "Though, it is funny that it bothers you so much. I do suppose that you wouldn't want the woman that holds your affections to be compared to a child not of age."

My knuckles went white, "I don't have affection for anybody or anything."

A small chuckle sounded in my head, "Attraction." He corrected.

I didn't deny it.

"Just get on with it if you have something important to tell me."

A sharp frequency stabbed at my ears, "I do not have to tell you anything if you're going to have an attitude, Jeffrey," the frequency stopped, "You've been more irritable than usual lately. You'd be wise to correct your behavior."

I stood there, silent.

"If not in fear of me, then in fear of losing her."

I was tired of hearing this crap.

"There's nothing going on between her and me." I said, believing it, "I've just gotten used to her is all- and it'd be a shame to leave her to the company of the rest of the vermin in the house."

"And you're the better alternative?" He cooed.

I nodded my head.

"Better than a life outside of the mansion?"

He knew I couldn't answer that.

My eyebrows furrowed in thought,

But then, why did I want her to be here if she didn't have to be?

If it would be better for her to be as far away from me and this place as possible- why did I make such a deal about her staying?

What was even the point of being here right now?

I forgot that Slender could read thoughts.

"Come here," he demanded, "Stand next to me."

I hesitated, but did as I was told.

Being in close proximity to him was never a good thing.

Slender turned in his chair to face me.

As tall as I was, he still towered over.

The energy emanating from him was almost suffocating.

He reached down- hovering his hand over my forehead, "see for yourself," he said- his fingertips hitting the spot between my brows.

 Isekai'd into my first fandom fixation (Jeff The Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now