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In her night clothes, Prisha is totally into her college work while sitting on her bed. She keeps making funny faces whenever she struggles with a topic but celebrates with a smile and a jump when she gets something right. Rudransh is amused watching her antics through the camera in her room. Which he has fitted in her room

Meanwhile, he's in his balcony, gazing at his laptop with a sweet smile, admiring Prisha's cuteness. It's a moonlit night with twinkling stars and a cool breeze adding to the ambiance...


Just then Rihaan walks into the room with some meds and a glass of water for Rudhransh, heading towards the balcony. ',

"here's your medicine, bro,' he says as Rudhransh gives him a weird look and shakes his head,

" 'I don't want to take these meds, not needed right now,'" he says, focusing back on his laptop. '

"But you really need them or you won't sleep,' insists Rihan, "but Rudhransh keeps his eyes glued to the screen. Rihan follows his gaze and is surprised to see Prisha on the laptop.

"'Did you install a camera in her room?' he asks in shock

". 'Yeah,' Rudransh confirms cheerfully

"But bhaii " before Rihaan can finish his sentence Rudhransh told him

""I only put it in the room, nowhere else. I just want to always see her through my own eyes. I want her face to be the first thing I see. That's what my heart desires. I was just following my heart, so I had to install the camera," he said, his gaze fixed on her with a serious expression...

Rihaan, in a casual tone, told him", 'I'm not trying to say much, but just take the medicine and then get some rest.' "

Hearing his words Rudhransh confidently replied. ,"" 'I don't really need all this now. I've found the medicine for all my wounds, even the ones that have been with me for years. These meds won't really make a difference, they'll just give me a bit of peaceful sleep. But I won't find peace there, my peace is right in front of my eyes and I've found it""",' he said, gazing at the laptop screen with a smile.

As Rihaan's eyes shifted to the laptop screen, a smile spread across his face. He's happy for his brother, but there's also a hint of worry for Prisha. Rudransh's presence in Prisha's life isn't without danger. However, he understands that Rudransh needs Prisha as she's the only one who can heal his wounds once again.

"'I've left the medicines on the table, take them if you need them or no worries if you don't,"' Rihaan said, walking away.

He noticed Prisha had finished with her books and was getting ready to sleep by fixing her bed. Rudransh then closed his laptop and headed to his room. He grabbed a black hoodie and put it on, making sure his mask was covering his face properly. As he murmured

" 'I'm coming, my dewdrop"",' he made his way to the balcony of his room. Looking down from the third-floor balcony, he felt comfortable with these kinds of risky situations. Though today wasn't about taking risks, it had been his job for years. He was skilled in jumping from great heights without getting hurt and was also an expert in Karate. With his high IQ level, he could hack into any computer or company. Locking the balcony door, he confidently jumped down....



Finally made it to Rajput Mansion after a long walk, and as usual, I found myself standing outside her room. Climbed the pillar to her balcony just like every day. The balcony door was open again, which kinda ticked me off. Despite knowing her family could be at risk, she still doesn't bother securing her own safety. It's so frustrating. She never even glances at the balcony door. Once we're together, she's definitely getting a good punishment about being careless.

 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐀 ~ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥'𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora