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Vegas's pov ~

It's strange,so strange the way I am looking isn't right. I haven't looked this way in ages. After Dad's death no one dared to hit me. And I am so glad he isn't there for that anymore. But the irony is I am still standing here infront of the mirror with bruises and bandages.

The cut on my arm was quite deep it took almost five stitches to get my skin together. My nose looked bruised and it hurts. And the last dodge he did before leaving made his ring scrape me near the right cheek bone.

This was the first time I faced an assassin. I have been dealing with people who try to kill for a long now. As far as I remember I was probably thirteen when I was attacked for the first time. But the training that Dad imposed me to do made me strong enough to knock two trained men back then. I wasn't this injured either. Something was wrong this time. I wasn't completely in my right senses or else he would be dead.

I could have easily chocked him to death and nobody would ever know where he disappeared. But I didn't something stopped me. That's what making me angry how can I let my lewd thoughts take control of me that to for an absolute nobody like him. I have data of all the assassins working here around in Bangkok and he's definitely a known one. He didn't look like a foreigner and I am damn sure he's Thai. I have to find him as soon as possible. I need to get my head straight and think about who can do this is it someone new who's targeting me which is very unlikely or is it some old enemy who's looking around for men outside Bangkok to kill me.

Though I already have my men to look around for him I have my own doubts that he would dare to step out of his hiding place. Well if he has a little brain I can guarantee he wouldn't. He is well trained and has strength but I know he lacks experience I can bet he wasn't a day older than twenty five. Pretty young to be sent to deal with something as serious as this.

Having thought enough above it, I covered my bandage with plastic wrap and went to take shower. I need rest it was a tiring day at work and after work was even more hectic. I felt excited to spend time with someone after a long while only to find the person who caught my attention was non other than an assassin sent to kill me.
It was hard to sleep with these thoughts. In Mafia you know you are never safe. You never know when someone would come an attack and you might not survive not that I am willing to live but it's hard to imagine what about Macau. I don't want him to suffer in my place he deserves a normal life though I know I can't provide him with one but I am trying to give him the maximum leisure I can afford.

I need some sleep I can't keep thinking about all this now but after twisting and turning for sometime I couldn't sleep at all I decided to take a smoke. I went to my balcony it was pitch darkness all around except a few here and there on the boundaries of the minor family's mansion. I could feel the gentle breeze hitting me contrary to the warm smoke I was inhaling to fill my lungs.

I didn't wanted to recall but the only thing running in my head continuously is his innocent face looking at it no one could say he had a hidden agenda. His plump red lips that tasted really sweet. The way he froze when I kissed him was all I need to realise he was a noob. I don't think it was his first kiss because if he was that innocent he wouldn't agree on seducing me to lure and kill me. But he did so first no but I can bet he isn't experienced.

What if he's virgin. He can be no he can't why would he take such a job then. But it would be nice if he is it would be so nice to have him in my bed. Damn he tried to kill me. I don't need him in my bed I just need a bullet in his head. My head is going to explode if I keep thinking about him. He's a mete assassin who tried to kill him all he deserves is brutal torture till he spills them name and once he's useless to me must die.

I threw the cigarette in my hand when I felt slight burning sensation on my fingers. I didn't realise my smoke was going to get off while thinking about this nuisance. How can I be so careless. I shrugged off the feeling and went to my bed. I did feel a little sleepy this but didn't realise when the deep slumber swallowed me.

A blaring sound interrupted my sleep without opening mt eyes I brought my phone near my ear.
"Good morning Khun Vegas", Joe's formal voice came through the device."You shouldn't wish me that when the first thing you do in the morning is disturbing my peaceful sleep", I replied all annoyed.

"Sir our men found him, he's hiding in a motel and we are have our men guarding all the entry and exits. I am waiting for your order to abduct him",he said. This is amazing news and yes my morning is good now and I am no more sleepy. I lifted the comforter off me and decided to get ready and be there as soon as possible. It would be nice if I go and myself give him a surprise.

"Keep guarding and don't let him escape I'll be there ASAP. Do not abduct him till I tell you to do so", I ordered and threw my phone on bed and went to take shower and get ready.

It took me almost thirty minutes to do everything and I was on my way to the address Joe sent. Strange how I managed to take shower and dress up in such a less time when it takes me more than twice the given time usually.

After almost twenty minutes of driving I reached the motel and as soon as I stepped out of my car I noticed Joe was laying unconscious with other guards laying here and there. They all looked injured, I can imagine what must have happened and infuriated me. "What the hell happened here?", I yelled.

"Sir we were guarding him and waiting for you but he noticed us and tried to escape. So decided to stop him but he fought with us and hit Phi'Joe and ran away ", one of the man whose hands were bleeding but was concious replied.

Now even Joe was waking and it looked like others were gaining there concious too. "Clear it all and find him again and if there happens to be another mistake I'll make sure none of you stay alive ", I ordered.

Joe came to me. "Sorry sir we disappointed you ",he said his head hung low with guilt he is one of my most trusted men."You know I don't need your sorry prove it with your actions that you are ", I said and reclined on the wall in frustration.

"I will sir and this time we will definitely have him in our torture room. Sir but there's one thing",he looked hesitant to say. "Speak ", I ordered. "He looks pretty young and I am sure he is and he's well trained infact very well trained. The sort of training and tactics that reminds me of someone I can't confirm that but I am 90% sure ", he said lost in deep thoughts. "And what is that ", I am curious now to have any clue.

"I think he's from Pattaya's Mafia family ",he replied but thats really strange. "You know Khun Metha is our ally and Vayu he's one of my closest friends, what makes you think they will try to harm me."

"That's exactly why I am not very confident but you know sir I have been trained there earlier and I know the tactics masters used to teach us his were so similar to that. The neck choke he used to make me loose my concious was exactly how we were taught there. But yes I know they are our ally and it's unlikely they'll attack", he completed and his head was down again.

"In Mafia business nothing is unlikely the only thing you can expect to happen is the most unexpected thing to happen. So if your intuition is right we have another case of friend turning into a foe", I said.

"Yes sir", he replied formally and left for work. I decided to burn a smoke. I thought Vayu and I can still be friends even though we are part of this Mafia thing. And since our father's were always in good terms we never had to fight or pretend like we were enemy. We always had good time together. We still meet at parties or events mostly and behave like two long lost brothers I don't think he would try to kill me. Moreover killing me would only bring him trouble we had promised to help and be faithful to each other. There's no point breaching our deal that too when he's on the end receiving more benefits of the deal.

I smoke was almost over so I threw the butt and crushed it under my feet. When I was about to walk away I noticed something shiny laying close to some of my men where unconscious a while ago. I picked it to find it to be a switch blade with a jade handle. While I was inspecting it I noticed something engraved in golden. "PETE"

I am wondering if it belongs to the one I am contemplating right now. Is that his real name. "Pete", well it suits him a nice and innocent name. I shoved it in my pocket and left for work.

Hello guys you have finally reached the end of this part. I hope you liked it please leave comments to let me know what you think of it. Your suggestions are most welcomed also do not forget to vote and follow me.

I'll upload the next part soon till then take care and love you all 💕💕

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