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Pete's pov ~

I cursed myself for the hundredth time for being stupid I could have dodged and made a run for the boundary. And if luck would have been on my side I would have escaped it. But this stupid brain doomed me. All the time it functions really well God knows what goes wrong when this man is near.

I am damn sure he must have drugged me somehow or maybe his whole fucking existence around me is like a drug. It must be his woody odour that makes me feel intoxicated. The freshness he brings when he's around is so different.Nothing can compare to his charismatic aura he exuedes.

The man who I supposed was his personal bodyguard collected all the items as he was instructed by his boss. Leaving me alone in his room. I could still here the water running and realised he was done taking shower.

I need to think quickly what to do now. The way my hands were handcuffed above to a chain that straight went to the ceiling and had its controller far away from me. Even if I try to reach with my legs I know it's far beyond reach. Damn these carzy rich people why have such big rooms. Only the bedroom of this man would comprise the whole area of my bedroom and living room back at my home.

His bodyguard collected almost everything in the room that I could somehow use to free myself or harm Vegas. But still kept looking for something that might help me unlock these handcuffs but no there's absolutely nothing.  I could notice Vegas's belt that he had left on the bedside table but I can't reach that far.

Uhhh it's so irritating. So so so irritating being tied like this.

A sudden click caught my attention making me realise the I couldn't hear the sound of running water so he was done taking shower. The door opened instantly and a sudden naked figure appeared right infront of my eyes.

The only piece of cloth on his body was the white bath towel that was wrapped lowly around his well defined muscular waist. It was tied so low that his chiseled v line was partially visible.

The multiple drops of water shined reflecting the dim lights of the room the honey skin of this man. His body is so perfect, the way his biceps flexes as he strains his arm to dry his wet hair with a hand towel. Why do I feel like this room is exceptionally hot not some that you would expect in late October as temperature is fairly low than other months maybe the ac isn't working.

"What are you thinking", his booming voice pierced through my thoughts pulling all my attention to him. " Why is your face red?", he asked. Is my face actually red damn you Pete how can you oogle at him like a teenage girl. He's your enemy and you need to escape this remember. So now let's stop looking at him like he is some sexy greek God.

Well that he is but let's focus on saving your throat. I turned my face away from him without answering. He calmly walked towards me and sat on his bed hardly a foot away from me.

He leaned backwards and the whole his firm abs and chest muscles were on display. I kept looking away I don't want to stare at him and do something foolish to cause myself harm anymore. I'll use my brain without thinking any nonsense.

"You know you can't escape why bother trying just help me catch the one who ordered my assassination and work for me. You know I can pay you double of what you have been paid your skills are pretty good. Why let it all go to waste. ", he said in a soft calm voice something that I wasn't expecting from him. I know he's one the most ruthless person in Mafia. I would be a stupid to believe he would let me off the hook that easily. As soon as he knows about his enemy I am dead for sure.

"Tell me who was it. I am not in a mood to torture you right now", he was looking at me with threatening eyes and I could also see the hints of exhaustion in them. I was still thinking of what to say how to keep delaying this situation to buy myself a little more time.

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