The Boarding School

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**Nick's Perspective**

The alarm blared, yanking me from the depths of a dream. I groaned, slapping the snooze button before rubbing my eyes and swinging my legs out of bed. Another day at boarding school. I stretched, letting the morning light seep through the blinds and cast a soft glow over my dorm room. The familiar mix of excitement and routine settled in my chest as I got ready for the day.

I grabbed my books and headed to my first class, Advanced History. The halls buzzed with the energy of students shuffling to their next destinations. I fell into step with Amaria, a girl from my debate team.

"Ready for today's debate practice?" she asked, flashing a bright smile.

"Always," I replied. "Just hoping to survive History first."

We exchanged a few more words before parting ways. History class was a blur of dates and events. I found myself drifting, my thoughts wandering back to home, to Leah. The sound of the teacher's voice eventually brought me back to the present, and I did my best to focus until the bell finally rang.

Next up was debate practice. Amaria and I had been working hard on our latest topic, and our efforts were starting to pay off. We sparred back and forth, sharpening our arguments and enjoying the friendly competition. By the end of practice, I felt invigorated, ready to tackle the rest of the day.

After a quick lunch, I had a couple more classes before heading to the dorm. I climbed the stairs, my thoughts drifting back to Leah and the last summer we spent together. I missed those carefree days by the lake, the easy laughter, and the unspoken understanding we shared.

As I reached my room, I found my friend Ethan lounging on my bed, a smirk playing on his lips. He held up a letter, waving it teasingly.

"Got something from your favorite pen pal," he said, his grin widening.

I felt a rush of excitement and snatched the letter from his hand. Leah's familiar handwriting greeted me, and I settled into my desk chair, eager to read her words.


*Dear Nick,*

*I hope this letter finds you well, wherever you are. It feels strange to be writing to you from so far away, but I wanted you to know that you're always on my mind, even when we're miles apart.*

*The days here at home aren't the same without you. I miss our late-night conversations and our spontaneous adventures.*

*I hope you are off exploring new places.*

*So, until we meet again, know that you're always in my thoughts, my prayers, and my heart. Take care of yourself, Nick, and remember that no matter where life takes us, our friendship will remain steadfast and true.*

*With all my love,*



I read the letter twice, a warm feeling spreading through my chest. Leah's words were like a lifeline, tethering me to home, to the memories we shared. I could almost hear her voice as I read, the familiar cadence and warmth bringing a smile to my face.

Ethan leaned over, trying to catch a glimpse of the letter. "She's got it bad for you, man," he teased, nudging me playfully.

"Shut up," I said, laughing despite myself. "She's just a really good friend."

Ethan raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "A really good friend who writes you letters like that? Sure, Nick. Whatever you say."

I folded the letter carefully, tucking it into my notebook. "You wouldn't understand."

Ethan rolled his eyes but let it go, returning to his own bed. "Alright, Romeo. Just don't spend all night dreaming about her. We've got an early start tomorrow."

I nodded, though my thoughts were already drifting back to Leah. Her letter had given me a renewed sense of purpose, a reminder of what I was working towards. As I lay in bed that night, the sound of my friends' laughter fading into the background, I held onto Leah's words, letting them carry me into a peaceful sleep.

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