The Stories

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Ethan: "Alright, gather 'round, everyone. I've got a bone-chilling tale to share tonight. It's called 'The Haunted Mansion,' and let me tell you, it's not for the faint of heart."

Leah: "Ooh, I love a good spooky story. Lay it on us, Ethan."

Ethan: *clears throat dramatically* "Legend has it, there's an old mansion at the edge of town. They say it's haunted, cursed by the spirits of its former inhabitants."

Nick: "Sounds like the perfect setting for a horror movie."

Emma: "Shh, let him tell the story."

Ethan: "The mansion was once home to the Carmichael family. But one Halloween night, they vanished without a trace, leaving the mansion to decay into ruin."

Chloe: "Wait, what happened to them?"

Ethan: "Nobody knows for sure. Some say they were taken by the ghosts that haunt the mansion. Others believe they simply vanished into thin air."

Maya: "Creepy."

Ethan: "Ever since then, strange things have been happening around the mansion. Lights flicker in the windows at night, and eerie whispers can be heard echoing through the halls."

Leah: "I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it."

Ethan: "Some brave souls have ventured inside, but none have returned to tell the tale. It's said that those who enter the mansion are never seen again, their souls trapped within its walls for all eternity."

Jake: "Alright, Ethan, you're officially giving me the heebie-jeebies."

Ethan: "And that, my friends, is the legend of the Haunted Mansion."

As Ethan finishes the story, a hush falls over the group, the crackling of the fire the only sound breaking the silence. Despite their attempts to brush off the fear, the eerie tale lingers in the air, casting a shadow over the bonfire gathering.

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