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These last few weeks were the great. A bit of ups and downs went by, but I felt happy.

Lucille and I were finally on the same ground, she tried to communicate more and let me in, while I also participated in her curriculams time to time to show my utmost support.

Elena had stopped pestering me and she said she could actually see a changed Lucille now—which made me really proud of myself.

Our automobile project was going smoothly and much to my delight, Mr. Herraño barely showed his face at the office anymore.

To think of it, everything was going way too well and the gnawing feeling still lingered in my chest.

As if something was about to happen. Something bad.

I didn't want to jinx my own happiness, but the fear of everything falling apart stayed in a dull form in the back of my head.

Untill it came true.

I woke up, showered, got dressed for office as usual. Bid mom goodbye and grabbed my lunch from my favorite café down the alley.

There was a bounce in my step as I entered the office, greeting the guards with smiles and waves.

And then everything felt eerie all of a sudden.

There were stares and glares thrown my way, subtle whispers echoed behind my back and fake smiles appeared before my eyes.

Everyone avoided me like plague.

I was stupefied by the whole ordeal, unable to grasp onto the thread connecting all this.

Then I was suddenly dragged to my personal room by Elena, who turned the blind folds off and locked the door, looking at me with a knowing disapproval.

"What's wrong?"

I was in the dark, dumbfounded and really anxious.

"What's wrong is that it finally happened. What I worried about."

I swallowed, not liking where this was going. Without my knowing my hands started to shake.

"Just t-tell me, El."

Elena pinched the bridge of her nose, exhaling sadly before making me sit on the couch.

"Don't panic, Dary."

"Tell me!" I raised my voice a little.

"Rumor says you got your way in the company by seducing the Boss, and now you're her new boy toy. They're aggravated because not only does it go against the rules, but it also taints your character."

And just like that I felt my world crumbling right before my eyes, my throat caught up in a huge lump as it suddenly got harder to breathe.

How could this have happened?

Me, as someone using sex for power? My character tainted? Lucille's boy toy?

My heart squeezed painfully in my chest as I put a hand over there, bending over my knees as gasps left my lips.

"Dary, hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Elena placed her hand on my back, rubbing there while talking to me.

But I was immersed in my own thoughts.

My mom's face appeared before me and I felt tears pooling in my eyes.

Mom never gave me such virtues, mom's values and morals made me who I am today.

How could people tarnish it just by assuming something out of nowhere?

"Dary, breathe. In and out. Come on, kid." Elena continued to rub my back.

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