Parcel? pt4

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(Ishan's dialogues will be in italics.
Shubman's dialogues will be in bold.)

Third person's pov

When Ishan reached Shubman's house, he opened the door using his keys and entered the kitchen. Leaving the groceries on the table, he decided to knock on the door of Shubman's room, to see him. But as Ishan approached Shubman's room he could hear some noise coming from inside the closed bedroom. As he quietly put his ear on the door to hear better, he clearly heard two voices, one male and another female, coming from the room.

The voices were filled with laughter and on focusing, he could make out that the other voice belonged to Tanya. Shubman and Tanya were chatting and laughing! The same Tanya that Shubman refused to even look at. The same Tanya that Shubman was planning to marry, without even knowing her name. Ishan knew, that day when Shubman said he would marry Tanya, he had used 'that girl' and not her name, which meant he hadn't even bothered asking her name. Ishan knew deep down that Shubman had just been saying it to hurt Ishan.

Ishan knew, and so he wasn't as affected by that statement, but it had still hurt him. But standing here, listening to the both of them chatting and laughing, Ishan wasn't so sure anymore. Ishan had no right to feel this way. He had no right to feel jealous, because he was the one that had pushed Shubman away and towards Tanya. He was the one that had made sure Shubman didn't kick Tanya out. Yet, here he was feeling his resolve breaking. Wanting nothing more than to pull Shubman back towards him.

He wanted to barge inside the room and demand Shub for answers, for questions he had no right to ask. He wanted to barge inside and kiss him infront of Tanya to prove his point. But he also wanted to run away and never see them again. He wanted to go back inside his shell, which Shubman had managed to break. And so knowing that the first two options were just not fair to Shubman or Tanya, he quietly left. Tears escaped his eyes, as he left the house, but he wiped them away, harshly.

The next day Tanya came to their shop.
"Tanya? What are you doing here?"
"I'll come and get the groceries from today."
"Oh! May I ask why?"
"No reason! It's just that I don't really have much to do in the house. I cook for Shubman, but that's it. So, I just thought that coming here everyday, meeting you and talking to you, would be good."
"Oh that's nice."

Ishan then realized why Shub had stopped calling him for meals and other deliveries. It's because Tanya had been cooking for him. It had been very hurtful for Ishan to accept it, but he knew he had to. He had to accept that maybe Shubman wasn't his anymore.
A few days passed and Tanya came to get the groceries everyday. She would chat with Ishan, while Ishan just gave half hearted responses, finding it difficult to even look at Tanya.

One day, Tanya called Ishan.
"Can you deliver the groceries today?"
"Uhh sure, but are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm just going out, so I won't be able to come and get them today."
"Okayy... Just call me when you come back. I'll come and deliver then."
"No no! I'll come back late, just go and deliver them right now. Don't you have the keys?"
"Yeah I do."

"Okayyy good. Byee then."
Tanya cut the call giggling a little.
Ishan looked at the time and sighed in relief. Shub would be at the office right now so Ishan could just quickly go and deliver the groceries. He felt his anxiety slipping away, as he realized he couldn't find the courage to face Shubman. As Ishan reached the house and left the groceries in the kitchen, he was startled as he turned around and saw Shubman standing there.

Shubman gave Ishan a small smile and then stared at him for quite a while. They just stood there in silence, while Shubman quietly observed Ishan.
Ishan finally asked in a soft voice, breaking the silence. Blushing a little at Shubman's unwavering gaze, but also looking a little confused by it. Shubman without saying anything leapt forward, capturing Ishan in a tight hug. Ishan though freezing up at the sudden contact initially, eased into the hug and wrapped his arms around Shub aswell.

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