Chapter 70 - Don't worry, I come here all the time --

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After being woken up from your nightmare on Coruscant yet again, you are now walking with Echo through the garage hanger bay to what looks like an opening into the middle flying area of this huge ship garage. You had no idea how late or early it was, but its not like you had any intentions of returning to the nightmare you had left behind. Thus following Echo out to whatever spot he had didn't seem like a bad idea. Plus this way you wouldn't disturb anyone's sleep by hanging out on the Havoc Marauder.

The ship garage you were in is a massive cylindrical building, one of many across Coruscants surface meant to house traveling ships, merchants and the like. In many ways they were there own communities because of the many different garages from the ground level, to levels extending into the under ground and high into the sky above the city landscape. Thus the garage openings across the facility from you were in the 'distance' and there were a variety of ledges, ladders and other transportation throughout the massive structure.

The last time you had been on Coruscant most of your time had been spent in the senate hall building, now lovingly renamed to the Imperial Senate since your last visit. The guys had spent a little more time here then you, but without any chances to explore you had never noticed these areas of the garage. Echo had led you across the make shift galley area, past the ship dock landing pad and out an exterior door which slid into the wall. On the outside of this door was another room, and another door which split down the middle and slid into either wall. Outside of this secondary door was a short ledge to walk on with a half wall to prevent people from falling over the side. Past that wall was nothing but air and a look over the edge would show the clear drop down all the way into the farthest parts of the garage down in the cities underbelly.

Echo stood for a moment in the doorway waiting for you to come through before settling down, resting against the half wall but remaining standing facing you. You followed him out and after the doors shut you sat down on the ground with the garage wall behind you and door just to your left across from Echo.

"I didn't even know this was out here" you comment and Echo smiles "didn't really have the time to find it before" he replied with a chuckle before turning to face out into the garage.

Behind Echo you can just see the glittering lights of the few space ships flying about and the other security and door lights throughout the garage. It was actually quite pretty.

"What was your nightmare about?" you ask, looking up at Echo who was also looking out across the garage at the lights. He leaned over the half wall and rested both of his arms on its surface leaning on them and looking out at the ships. You could see from his posture that it was troubling him just like your nightmare was troubling you.

"There was a recent rescue mission I had been apart of" Echo explained. You could barely see the saddened expression on his face from this angle, but it was evident in his voice.

"Had some issues changing over between the transport and the Remora. Not everybody made it".

"I'm sorry" you begin and Echo sighed, turning back to face you with his chocolate brown eyes.

"I feel responsible because I should have known the airlock seal was faulty. That was on my list to check and repair. I just forgot to address it and then we picked up an urgent call..." Echo trailed off "we ... I .. Should have put that as a priority and then those men wouldn't be dead right now".

"I'm sorry Echo. That sounds truly awful."-Echo nods turning away from you--" But I don't blame you, and I know its easy to take the blame in hindsight. There was no way to know" You reply, standing up and coming over next to him "I can see why it would haunt you".

"Thanks" Echo replied "I know the others say its not my fault but I just wish it had gone down differently."

You both stand in silence for a few moments before Echo asks "So what was your nightmare about?"

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