14. Family bike ride

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Hello everyone.
Here we go with the next update.
Enjoy reading.

Scene starts on the same day, RagLak are still at the beach in the swing sleeping comfortably in each others arms.

Her regular alarm wakes her up from her deep slumber, "Laksh, wake up. We need to go otherwise we will miss the morning pooja", shakes him in order to wake him up.

"It's fine. I already asked permission from mom. And she said OK. So get back to sleep", he says pulling her back laying comfortably in the swing.

"But I want to go back. I don't want to get teased by others. Besides the tides are getting high and the wind is cold", sits in the swing hugging herself. Laksh looks at the beach, the waves are really touching one of the tree tied to the swing, the chilly breeze is turning the temperature cool and making her shiver, they don't have anything to cover themselves from cold.

He nods at her, "let's go", he places his hands around her shoulders taking her closer protecting her from cold both walks towards the car leaves to MM. As soon as he parks the car, she runs towards the house into their room immediately. Laksh follows her inside into the washroom along with her. Ragini turns to bolt the door, but

"Laksh, what are you doing here?", asks surprised seeing him inside the washroom, "we will get late", she mutters while her cheeks turn red.

"It's fine. I already asked permission from mom", says walking towards her.

"But........, still.........", before she could continue he pins her to the wall, closing the distance between them and their lips, reciprocating to his kiss clutches his shirt pulling him closer. He takes one of his hand from her waist turns ON the shower and places his hand on her shoulder guiding her. Now both are standing right below the shower, water running through their bodies making their clothes wet. Both looks at each other breaking the kiss, takes off their damped clothes, starts kissing again.

"Laksh! We are late, it's all because of you", shouts at him looking at the time while coming out of the washroom in her bathrobe, runs towards the wardrobe to get her clothes and starts to get ready hurriedly. While Laksh comes out of washroom with towel around his hips, looking at her nods his head in disbelief and gets ready in his clothes.

AP is doing arthi, RagLak join the pooja silently.

"Didn't I give you permission?", asks AP giving them arthi.

"I didn't want to miss the morning pooja, that's why", Ragini says taking arthi. Laksh looks at her in open mouth.

"You are such a lier. Didn't you say you don't want to get teased. Now saying different reason for mom", he whispers in her ears. Ragini looks at him grinning, he smiles nodding his head.

In RagLak's room,

RagLak are sitting on the bed, Raksh is sitting between them.

"Papa, how did you surprise mumma?", asks Raksh sounding excited.

Ragini straightening herself,  "Well, your dad rented a Bullet bike and gave me the instructions then we went on bike ride. Later at 12, your dad took me to the beach for celebrating birthday, I was really amazed by the decoration. We played in the water for a while then rested in the swing", explains everything with a grin.

"Wow mumma", says Raksh feeling exhilarated stands and starts bouncing on the bed while clapping his hands. RagLak immediately surrounds him, their hands around him huffing, worried of him falling. Tired of jumping, Raksh sits on the bed with a grin. RagLak looks at Raksh and smiles looking at each other.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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