Part 47

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You were home alone as Lena was out with her family and Kat had already departed the day prior. You were doing some housework until you got a call from an unknown number.

You didn't pick up the call as you had other things to do, but then, you got a message notification. You looked at it and it was from that same number.

The message read, 'Hey Y/n. I'd really like to talk to you. It's important.' You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. How did they know your name and why do they have your number.

Your phone rang again and you picked up the call this time. "Hello?" You said, confused, curious to who this person is.

"Y/n hi." The man on the other line says, sounding surprised, probably didn't expect you to pick up. "You probably don't remember me. You were very young when I met you." He says over the phone.

"I'm your uncle, Roger." He says after a pause, as you don't say anything. "I don't have an uncle. My parents were both the only children in their family." You say sounding more unsure and just confused.

"I'm your dad's brother. We had a falling out almost 20 years ago. He told me to kick rocks and never contact him or his family again." Roger shares and you stay silent, processing the information.

"He cut me out of his life and made sure I wouldn't be able to contact you either. I recently found out that he has passed and after some digging, I was able to find your number." He says. He sure sounded convincing, but this all just came out of nowhere. Could it really be true?

"My dad died almost 3 years ago. How did you find out now?" You as,  trying to understand the situation.

"It's complicated, but the gist of it is that I tried to find him online to try reconnect and found his name on a death registry." He said, letting out a soft sigh.

You weren't fully convinced this was real, but after much more talking, you figured it had to be. He knew stuff about your parents that no one would know, stuff that you can't find online.

"Look, im not sure you're convinced. But all I'm going to ask of you is that if you so wish, come visit me and we can talk about the reason I called you. I'll send you all my details over text and you can visit any time." He finally says, hanging up the phone.

"You sat for a few minutes after the call, processing the information. You couldn't believe that your parents had kept other family members away from you.

They led you to believe that they had no siblings and that their parents were dead, which you weren't sure was the case anymore. They always said it was you and them left.

You were for sure going to try to look into it if you have any other family out there that you are unaware of.

Just then, Lena walks into the house, seeing you sitting there lost in thought. "Everything okay?" Lena asks as she approaches you.

"Uh, yeah. How was your day?" You ask her with a smile, pushing down your racing thoughts.

"It was fun." Lena smiles, leaning in for a kiss which you gladly give her. "What's got you so lost in thought?" Lena asks as you brushed her off the first time.

"I'm still kind of processing it. I'll tell you about it later, okay?" You say softly and Lena nods in acknowledgement.

"Did you eat?" You ask her and she shakes her head no. "Let's make something!" she says excitedly. She always loved cooking and baking together.

You usually did most of the work when it came to food, but you didn't mind. You loved the support and it was fun to mess around and be able to talk freely as you cook.


Later in the day, after dinner, you decided that you were ready to talk to her. You brought up the subject and she listened intently.

You told her everything that happened on the call and your hesitation. "I think you should go meet him." Lena says.

"If he is who he claims to be, he's family. And it would be good to just hear him out about whatever he wants to tell you." Lena says, sharing her opinion as you asked for advice.

You kind of agreed with her, you wanted to know. You wouldn't be able to move on if you constantly had this what if hanging over your head.

Realistically, what's the worst that could happen. It all seemed genuine and it all added up. You even cross-referenced online and found the man who claims to be your uncle. He did look strikingly familiar to your father.

"I was thinking that too, but I would like you to come with me." You tell her and she smiles at you. "Of course, as long as you want me to. I'm here for you always, you know that." Lena says softly.

"It makes me sad that I had family out there all along and my dad stole my choice to know my uncle." You sigh heavily.

"No offence, but your parents were assholes." Lena says, causing you to chuckle. "That they were. I won't disagree." You laugh knowing they were a lot worse than assholes.

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