Incorrect Quotes 16

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Y/n: Be careful about succumbing to these sorts of destructive...urges. Addiction can be a powerful thing.
Bill: So am i. Bow down before your new supreme overlord, b######.


Dylan: You're not gonna shoot a puppy, are you, Bill??
Bill: Yeah, in the face, why?


Bill: FIGHT ME, YOU NERD A## S###!
Y/n: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Bill: Oh, i'm sorry. I should ask, dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good b####?
Y/n: Somehow that's worse.


Y/n: I lost my fish, can you help me find it?
Bill: *Cooking the fish* What? I couldn't hear you, please speak up.


Bill: I won a new phone in a race.
Riley: Huh? What kind of race let's you win a phone, Bill?
Bill: A race between the store owner, the cop, and me.


Bill: *Holds a gun out to Phantom*
Phantom Virus: I-i don't believe in guns.
Bill: Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.


Y/n: Question. When they shot Bambi's mother, did you find that a sad all?
Bill: I'm sure she's mounted on a nice wall in a fine home somewhere.


Bill: *Holding up a picture of a seemingly young Y/n* WHO IS SHE?? IS SHE 12??
Phantom Virus: No! She's 18 years ol-
Bill: *Cocks shotgun*
Phantom Virus: NO! NOOOOOOOOOO-


Bill: *After getting a job as a lifeguard* Hmm...i wonder what those things at the bottom of the pool are...


*Y/n is shopping with Bill*
Bill: Can i get a silenced pistol?
Y/n: If there's one on sale.


Y/n: What are you guys playing?
Bill: Go fish.
Y/n: That's a nice, safe game. But, don't you need cards?
Bill: Where do you keep the spear gun?


Y/n: You remind me of the ocean.
Bill: Because i'm deep and mysterious?
Y/n: No, because you're full of salt and you scare people.


Bill: Care to give a free sample to a pretty person?
Riley: *Manning a bake sale and tired of their s###* Sure! You know one?
Bill: ...Care to give a free sample to an ugly person?


Bill: 2 Truths and a lie, i'll start! I've killed a man, i will kill again, and it burns when i pee.
Dylan: *Visibly nervous* I don't- i don't like this game.


Bill: Get in the halloween spirit and make a ghost!
Y/n: That's called murder and i heard somewhere that it was illegal.


Y/n: Why is there blood everywhere?
Bill: I may have aggressively poked someone with a knife.
Y/n: You stabbed someone??
Bill: No, no. I aggressively poked someone with a knife.


Y/n: I have a problem.
Bill: Kill it.
Y/n: Can you chill for like, 2 seconds?


*While waiting outside the principal's office*
Bill: What are you in for?
Y/n: Oh, they just want to know if it's cool if i miss my classes tomorrow to run sound and lights for a presentation in the auditorium. What about you?
Bill: I stabbed a kid with a screwdriver.
Y/n: ......We live very different lives.
Bill: Yes we do.


Y/n: Did you like the food i made?
Bill: No, not really.
Y/n: But, i put my heart and soul into it!
Bill: No wonder it tastes so cold and dead.


Y/n: Don't break someone's heart, they only have 1.
Bill: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.

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