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It's the last day of stay for Kim. He was sitting at the reception once again, he didn't skip even a day for the whole week. After all the time Mr. Yang asked him to get out, taehyung didn't lose hope.

It was mid day, when Mr. Yang was getting out of the company to have some lunch. On his way, he glanced at taehyung who was looking at the elder with tires eyes. The elder business man stood in his stance for a minute and gestured Taehyung to join him.

" I've already told you to not have hope on this. Why don't you stop? " He gave a softer smile at the younger. Truth to be told he was really surprised at the younger's determination.

"Mr. Yang i know you asked me not to have any hope and to not visit your company again. But i really want you to understand I'm not going to stop trying until the time runs out" He gave a sincere smile to the elder.

"I don't know why this deal is so important to you Mr. Kim? It's not like your company was running in loss. To be honest, your company earns 10 times our profit. So what's the matter? " He raised his eyebrow at the younger.

"True. But this deal is not for us Mr. Yang. It's for the jeon's and I seemed to be  the one who was the cause that they are not having this. I never want to be the reason for someone's loss. " He seemed to impress the elder, Mr. Yang patted his shoulder.

"But don't think this will be easy. You should prove yourself to me. " He looked at the other challengingly.

"Oh god. I can do anything for this Mr. Yang"

"Okay. I would like you to present the whole project tomorrow. Not only your part, the whole project. If I like the output this time, may be you will get the deal" With that he left for the lunch.

Taehyung was really tensed hearing that from the elder, he only have today. He was meant to be leaving Japan I'm tonight's flight. It seems like he should extend his stay for one more day. And also he don't have enough time, preparing the whole project presentation in just half a day is nearly impossible. But he should do this.

He made his way towards his car to head towards the hotel he was staying in. Once he was seated in the car, he called jimin and connected them to Bluetooth so he could speak to the other while driving.

"Hey jimin"

"Taehyung i told you this won't work. Why are you wasting your precious time in that bastards office, he really Got headweight. He thinks so high of himself that he is making you sit on his goddamn reception daily. You better come back taehyung. You are not even eating and taking care of you properly. Mrs. Kim and jin hyung will be so worried once they hear about this" He was blabbering nonstop until he was stopped by a chuckle.

"Jimin stop. I got the deal, like not really got. But he gave me an chance, I mean it better than nothing right? And more over he was a very experienced one in this business world, so stop calling him names" He laughed at his friend's antiques.

"But tae-"

"Anyways, I called you cause you need to extend my stay here for one more day, and cancel tonight's ticket and to book one for tomorrow"

"What? One more day? What are you going to do?? "

"Business men things jiminiee" He laughed again earning a scoff from the other.

"Okok.  Keep your businessmen things with yourself. I'll book you one tomorrow and tae, i-"

"What jimin? You wanna tell something? "

"About that, umm yes. "

"Come on tell me then. It's not like I can smack your ass right now if I don't like what you are saying" He said in a teasingly.

"Jungkook came here, three days back. " With that the whole atmosphere was silent. His grip on the steering get tightened.

"I don't want to hear anything about him-"

"He came here searching for you. Asked me if I knew where you are. I said nothing. " After a long silence he continued, " Tae I think he was struck with the past-"

"So what?? Then what about me jimin? Do you think I've been happy these years? "

"No no fuck no tae, I didn't try to mean it like that. I'm sorry. Take care , I'll book the ticket and take care of the stay. " With that the line went silent.

He should forget this and should concatenate on the presentation for tomorrow.

On the other side,

"Comeon jungkook it's enough" Yoongi tried to stop the younger who was gulping another bottle of wine.

"Leave me hyung. Why are you even here? "

"Jungkook it's the third day you are  not in the company. Think of what will Mr. Jeon think about you, if he saw you like this? "

"Oh comeon hyung, it's not like I'm doing this for nothing. For the past two months, im reminsing every single fucking memories that i wanted to forget. It's all because of Kim fucking Taehyung. "
He raised his eyes to look at yoongi,
"You know what hyung? You were right. You were right when you told me not to accept this marriage, that I'll regret it. Cause I'm regretting this. "

He was blackedout again because of the amount of alcohol in his system.

"I told you kid"

With that yoongi picked him and after much struggle he tried to secure the younger with blanket on the couch.

"I hope this will end quickly"


Okay I'm having a confusion on how should I reveal the past,

Should I reveal it from taehyung's diary, as in  diary entries


From pov


A little combination of both


Also i want to confirm something, so i dont think I'll write smut in this story as I'm very new to this, and thia will be the one and only ff im going to write.

And secondly, is this story going as a switch or not? Cause if it doesn't seem like a switch one, I should change my hashtags so as to not make other readers upset.

Is it okay for a switch or nah?

And again sorry for those who were expecting smut.

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