Catch me!

57 13 234


"The song is ended but
the melody lingers on..."

Bakugos POV:

He next morning I wake up in an unfamiliar room.

I sit up and look around still a bit confused, I feel someone's warm arm around my waist.


Oh yeah.


I hear a groan and his hand leaves my waist as he rubs his eyes
"Oh hey Bakugo-"
His words crack with morning voice.

"I uhm..."
I have no idea what to say or do.
Should I get up?

Before I have to decide he pulls me back down and snuggles into my chest and his words from last night ring in my ears.

"Boyfriends for the night..."

I don't think it's night anymore, but he's still holding me.

He yawns and glances at his alarm
"Oh good.. it's the weekend"
He says still sleepily.

"Mh.. I don't wanna get up so I'm glad"
I say trying to sound confident, it comes out in a squeak.

He looks up at me with one eye open and says
"Same bro, same"

Did he just 'bro' me and cuddle me at the same time.
This fucking dork oh my god.

"Don't bro me"
"Oh, your getting feisty"
"I- n-no what?"
"I'm to tired"

He leans our foreheads together and winks
I say bluntly.

"Can I kiss you?"
"Wh- whatever"

I note to myself to practice not stuttering so much.

As I'm noting this in my head he leans in and meets our lips.

He brings his hands up to my cheeks pulling my face closer.
This kiss is different from last night.

It was soft and loving, not so filled with lust and dominancy.

I return the kiss, tilting my head slightly. He pulls away softly and I climb on top of him to try and look brave but he 'awww's' me and says "still a little shark"

Glaring I climb off of him. He groans a lonely sound and try's to grab me but I slide off the bed.
"Big sharks gotta catch his little fucking shark if he wants him~"
I say smirking.

I think that's a point for me, that was a good one.

He gasps dramatically
"I see how it is"
And jolts out of bed at a surprising speed.

Kirishimas POV:

"Hey get back here Kat!"

I laugh and run after him, he was so much faster but I could see he was slowing down a bit for me.

As we run through the dorms we get a couple weird looks, especially because we both came from my room and where probably all disheveled, considering I knew I had messy hair.

We burst into the common room and see the Bakusquad sitting on the couch.

And they where all wearing the same shirt and it read:


"What the hell Is that shirt"
Bakugo growls and motions to the shirt.

"Just a little something I came up with after last night"
Denki says smirking.

"What did you just fucking say pikachu?"

"Now now boys"
Mina says gently
"No need to be Roweled  up on this gay stuff so shush, you boys"
she says pointing at me and Bakugo "cleans up and get ready, we are going out for breakie!"

Bakugo sighs and smiling I hold out my hand for him, he takes it and we get a bunch of "awwws" from the group as we drag ourselves back up stairs.

"I think I caught  you know little shark~"

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 

~602 words~

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