Chapter 77

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That was not the end of it.

"Are you really saying that my wife said this?"


The workers working on a construction at the palace died. They were all killed when lightning struck the building they were working on and it collapsed on them. It was the Emperor's undeniable fault for forcing them to work even on rainy days to satisfy his greed.

But it was Anais who made it all disappear as if it had never happened.

"Did my wife really cover up their deaths?"


Kylian couldn't believe it. However, the documents handed to him confirmed its truth. And on the documents he held, Anais' seal and the ducal household's seal were stamped there.

It was real.

He wondered if the Anais he knew was real.

* * *

The suspicious events didn't end there.

Kylian's greatest source of hatred was the Emperor, his own father. He was a disgustingly corrupt man, a plague that tainted the entire empire with his corruption.

But Anais...

While helping to cover up for his father, she was gradually changing into someone just like him. She casually performed inexplicable acts and stood by the Emperor's side, oppressing the weak.

Despite acting as if everything would change after the coup, she was doing the same things as the Emperor.

"Do you still believe in Duke Percival?"


"Duke Percival will serve as regent when Your Highness becomes Emperor."

Kylian knew Duke Percival as well, but Anais was different. She was never that kind of person.

"But my wife..."

"Anais— She seems to resemble Duke Percival the most."

"That's not true."

Even after that, Kylian continued to hear about the misdeeds committed by Duke Percival and Anais. Sadly, it was all true.

Kylian was disappointed by Anais's sudden change. Yet, he had thoughts of guiding her if she strayed from the right path, just as she had illuminated his path until now.

"Wife, why are you doing something wrong without any hesitation?"

"If necessary, I have to. Sacrifices for the greater good are unavoidable."

"Wife! You must not force sacrifices! You're also..."

"Stop it, Kylian."

Anais, who spoke as if she were tired of him, felt like an unfamiliar person to Kylian.

"Kylian, I really get tired when you're like this."

Anais said, rubbing her temples.

"If you're coming here for this, then don't come, Kylian."


Since that day, Kylian could no longer trust Anais.

* * *

Kylian was conversing with Marquis Balder, who had been his informant at the secret meeting place.

"After the coup, we plan to capture Duke Percival."


Kylian decided to go along with the plan to strike Duke Percival from behind on the day of the coup. However, he spoke with an untrusting heart, as he wanted to believe in Anais still.

"Ensure that my wife, who is the Young Duke, becomes the Empress."

"Yes, Your Highness."

After saying this to Marquis Balder, Kylian was about to leave.

"Ah, Your Highness."

"What else?"

"This might be useful."

Marquis Balder handed him a necklace with magic that controlled abilities. Magic to control abilities.

Kylian becoming a swordmaster was something he had to keep hidden from Duke Percival. If Duke Percival found out, it could pose a problem when trying to capture the duchy.

"Congratulations on becoming a swordmaster, Your Highness."


Kylian couldn't help but think that Marquis Balder, who occasionally watched him, must know about his abilities. It was different from Duke Percival, who ignored him and didn't even bother to use his capabilities properly.

* * *

It was the day before the coup.

Kylian, who disliked the tight feeling collar around his neck, intentionally tied a restraint tightly around it.

Knock, knock.


He unknowingly trembled at the sound of Anais's voice.

"Kylian, are you in there?"

It was clear that she was worried about tomorrow's events. Kylian thought so, but he didn't open the door. Instead, he tightly gripped the handkerchief she had made for him, which had Lilith's embroidery on it—something he didn't know at the time.

That woman had sprayed her favorite perfume on that handkerchief, and Kylian would sometimes breathe in its scent to find solace.

"Kylian, are you really not there?"

Knock, knock, knock.

Thinking that he was breathing in Anais's scent, he listened to her voice as it flowed in.


He thought her voice sounded different from usual.

If he had opened the door at that moment, if he had, everything might have changed.

Kylian would regret for the rest of his life not opening the door that day.

* * *

The coup was a success. The palace was in ruins, and the once-corrupt imperial family had been purged.

On the day of the coup, every noble except for Kylian met their demise.

"Now give up, Duke Percival."

The Duke, who must have built up resentment while handling the affairs of the imperial family, has many enemies. His vengeful spirit blinded his eyes, who was an excellent strategist, and it took him a long time to realize that the revenge was also directed at himself, not just the imperial family.

"You dare betray me?"

"You were the one who first committed the act of betrayal, Duke Percival. It was you who ruined my family."

Hearing Marquis Balder's words, his knights closed in on Duke Percival.

"If you surrender willingly, we will preserve your honor."

"You filthy dogs of this wretched imperial palace!"

Duke Percival's anger was directed at Kylian, the last surviving member of the imperial family. Duke Percvial could see through that in this situation, only Kylian was not threatened. He knew he was the one who orchestrated it all.

There was no way he didn't know that Kylian had conspired together. He swiftly drew his gun and aimed it at Kylian. Kylian had the confidence to deflect that bullet with his sword.


But it wasn't him whom Duke Percival's bullet pierced through.


He cried out as he watched his wife collapse before his eyes.

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