XXXI - touché

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The past month had arguably been the best few weeks of Kat's life. Despite Billy being grounded for most of it, they'd spent almost all of their free time with one another. They would walk into school hand in hand much to the dismay of many girls eyeing them unimpressed and jealous, she would flip her hair and smirk to herself knowing she was once again the envy of her peers.

Every night they would take turns to climb in one another's bedrooms and lay tangled up in each other whispering sweet nothings until the morning and would find themselves calling each other pet names that would've made them cringe and laugh at a few months prior.

But it didn't matter to them anymore because they were in love and they were blissfully enjoying their little bubble, ignoring the snide remarks from those outside it and focusing only on the other.

It was a Saturday afternoon and Kat had finally decided to roll out of bed and downstairs in search of food, having put off getting up until her stomach growled enough to make it impossible to ignore. Billy had left a few hours prior to go take Max to the arcade and do a few chores before his dad could start his spiel about 'responsibilities' and respect.

"Finally joining the living?" Dustin joked as she entered the kitchen.

"Hilarious" Kat replied in a deadpan tone before pouring herself a bowl of cereal.

She got halfway through her bowl when her parents came bounding through the front door with groceries in hand.

"Oh you're finally awake" Her mother teased as she placed the bags down on the counter.

Kat rolled her eyes at her family's attempts of trying to get a rise from her. She didn't know how she'd managed to end up with such early risers, much less why they even enjoyed and insisted upon it. There was nothing better than lying in bed with nothing to do on the weekend, letting the sun stream in as you lay cosy under the sheets.

"We've been waiting to tell you both something" Her mother said.

Dustin eyed Kat suspiciously, both of them hoping this wasn't a new sibling announcement.

"Yes?" Kat replied, worried for the response.

Her parents stood before the two siblings, sharing a deep breath in preparation for whatever they were about to tell them.

"We have some pretty big news" Her dad started "Something that changes a lot for us as a family....again"

Kat started to feel worried; the last time she'd had a conversation like this was when she still lived in New York and they had told her they were upheaving everything they knew to move across the country.

"Your father got another promotion" Her mother smiled. 

"It's really exciting, I get to run my own factory and be the rep for the whole state" He added with a proud smile.

While Kat wanted to smile back and congratulate her father, she couldn't help but wait for the other shoe to drop.

"Where?" Kat asked, a familiar feeling settling in her chest.

She watched as her mother avoided her gaze confirming her suspicions silently as her father cleared his throat.

"Oregon" Her father said, already anticipating his daughter's response.

"Oregon??!" She exclaimed.

Her heart began to speed up as the reality sunk in, she was moving again and she wasn't going to be next door to Billy anymore. 

"Kat, this is a great opportunity for your father" Her mom explained.

"It's at the other end of the country" Kat scoffed.

Suburban Blues // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now