Part 12

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Chapter 12

Meereen was the crown jewel of Slaver's Bay. The city was mostly famous throughout the globe for three reasons: The Pyramids, The Slaves, and The Fighting Pits.

Yet apart from three, many forgot of another thing closely associated with the pits. The gambling. And it was this very thing that because of which Daemon sat in a manse with a slew of servants, not slaves, for they were all free men and women who had chosen to continue in his service after he had taken over their contracts from their previous master. And it was but one of the three manses he owned in the city, along with many more such servants, after collecting on his debts.

"I want you all to leave the manse for tonight," he spoke, and immediately, many paled at his words as whispers began to bubble. The people infront of him had known about slavery and servitude for all their lives, and though he had been able to break them free of their chains, servitude remained ingrained in their very being. Servitude and fear.

"There is no need to worry," he began as he raised his hand to stop the murmurs.

"For this is only for tonight. You can all return to your regular duties by tomorrow morning," he announced as the female servant at the head of the group stepped forward.

"But your magnificence, who will tend to you for the night," she questioned worriedly that they were being let go; many of them had yet to understand that they were free, and many among those who had understood their freedom had continued on in their survival for they would have starved otherwise. There was little to Meereen's commerce besides the trade of slaves, though the city had copper, which was thought useless to many, but his own craftsmen worked the cheaper metal as they made large pits for distillation.

"I shall be fine by myself. All of you are to leave the manse, go to your families if you have them, or drown away the night, I care not," and with that, he turned away. Many of the smarter one's had probably understood what was going on. After all, it was quite well known that despite all that wealth he had procured, he had yet to call in all the debts.

Many in the city owed him much, and they were not the simple men like before. No, they were the Wise Masters, and they would not part with their wealth so easily. Yet they had forgotten that he was not a regular person either.

They will be reminded of it, though. Soon. Very soon.

The manse was emptied on his orders, the servants leaving him alone in the expansive building. It was amongst the smaller ones in the city, yet he had little need for a big manse. He sat down on a chair in the central lobby of the manse. It had no roof and allowed one to see the clear skies. He watched the sky darken as the moon rose and the city's bustle died down until only the creaking of the night remained as he sat there, his eyes closed, his hands caressing the blade, which now had a red ruby in its hilt.

The steel mask he had commissioned hugged his face, leaving only space for his eyes, which he opened as he heard the door to the lobby get torn off its hinges.


The door broke and he narrowed his eyes as the manse lip up around him, the fires erupted and began to spread all around as a figure stepped out of the shadows, his body massive, with hulking muscles and skin scarred all over. His eyes gleamed an ominous orange due to the fires as he carried behind him a thick double-ended spear. The fires spread to the lobby surrounding him and this hulking giant of an intruder as Daemon rose to his feet and looked around at the raging flames as he uttered with a smile, which would remain hidden underneath the steel mask that now covered his face.

The Burnt Prince-GOT SI (OC x Ashara Dayne)Where stories live. Discover now