Trust me - Amelia and Addison

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I walk into the practice at 8am. I'm not excited. I'm wearing long sleeves and it's 90 degrees outside. I hope that no one wonders why. I really don't. I don't want I to go to work.
I don't want to do anything. I'm so tired.
I barely sleep anymore. But I'll work anyways.
I need people to like me, and no one will like me if I don't work hard.
"Hey!" Addison says as I get into the lobby.
"Hi Addie." I say, I sound tired.
"Are you okay?" Addison asks concerned.
"Oh yeah! I'm totally fine!" I say, trying to sound convincing.
"Alright then." Addison says, but she's still looking at me concerned.
I walk into my office. I do paperwork for an hour.
I've always been an extremely hard worker.
An overachiever. It's what I live for.
And I do love it. I'm just tired. But I still do it.
By 10am I have done all of this week's paperwork.
I feel pleased with myself. I don't take breaks, ever. So, I start researching some of my upcoming patients cases.
I hear a knock on my door.
"Come in!" I say loudly.
I see Addison and Amelia's faces.
"Hey y/n!" Amelia says.
"Hi Amy." I say, I'm even more tired now than I was before.
"You looked tired earlier, so we thought that we'd take you out to do some shopping!" Addison says cheerfully.
I have a hard time allowing myself to take breaks, because if I do, I feel like I haven't worked hard enough.
"Sorry. I've gotta work." I say with a sigh.
"Oh come on, please! It'll be fun." Amelia tries.
"I don't know." I say.
"You need this!" Addison says.
"Fine." I say, trying to sound happy, plastering a smile on my face.
I walk out of the practice with Amelia and Addison, Amelia's arm hooked in mine.

We walk in and out of shops, and I'm actually having fun and laughing. I buy some fancy lipgloss and an expensive mascara.
We're all in a clothing shop right now, looking at clothes.
"Look y/n! You'd be so pretty in this!" Addison says and holds up a top. It is a pretty white top with buttons and lace details. But, it has short sleeves, so, it's a no go.
"Yeah that top is so cute!" Amelia chimes in.
"I don't think it's suit me, but thanks anyway!"
I lie, gosh, I'd kill to wear a top like that again, it's been a while.
"Yes it would! Just try in on for me, please?" Addison says.
"You know what, I need to get back to work, but this was so fun, we should do this another time!" I say, trying to get out of trying the top.
I almost run outside, and I walk quickly back to the practice. I stop by a vending machine and I buy a sandwich, which I eat on the way back.
I don't have time for a lunch break.
I feel bad for just leaving Amelia and Addison like that. Why did I do that? Am I that horrible?
I need to do more work.

I get back into my office and sit down with my laptop, researching some more patient cases, when I get a text on why phone, and I realize that I've gotten a text.
'Hey y/n! Want to hang out at my house with me and Addison tonight? It'll be fun!'
Since it's after work, I see no harm in going.
'Sure, thank you! What time do you want me there?' I ask
'Is 5 good?' Amelia texts me back.
I would like to work for a bit longer, but I'll get to work early tomorrow and work extra hard.
'Perfect.' I text back.
'See ya!' Amelia texts back.

At 4.45 pm, I walk out of the practice, and I head to Amelia's house. I'm there at 4.58pm.
I knock on her door, I know her so well I could just walk in, but I've never been that type of person.
"Come in!" Amelia shouts from inside!
I open the door and step inside. Amelia is pouring drinks.
"Welcome to girls night!" Addison says.
"Wow, this is fancy! You should've told me so I could have dressed up a bit though." I laugh.
"Nonsense! You're gorgeous in that fit!" Amelia says and nods to my outfit.
"Well thank you! I say smiling.
"Sit down!" Addison says and points to the stools by the kitchen island.
I sit down and Amelia hands me a drink.
It's a margarita, which I like. I take a sip, and it's delicious.
"I'm sorry for walking out before, I was just tired." I say.
"Don't worry about that y/n." Amelia says.
"Thank you." I say with a smile on my face.
"We got you something!" Addison says cheerfully and hands me a box.
"Thank you so much! You didn't have to though, it's enough to host a girls night as it is." I say with a smile on my face.
"Open it!" Amelia says, she almost seems more excited than me.
It's the top. The gorgeous top. Although, my stomach drops. I cant wear this. Not now, or ever. I'm very good at hiding my emotions though, so I put on a big smile.
"Oh my god! Thank you thank you thank you!"
I say happily. I am happy and grateful, just sad that I can't wear it.
"You're welcome! We thought that you should have something fancy for the summer." Addison says with a smile on her face.
"Try it on!" Amelia squeals.
"I will, later, I'm just going to finish my drink!"
I say.
Addison looks at me confused. I need to think of an excuse. I drink my margarita painfully slowly.
Eventually, I finish it. I'm clueless. What do I do?
"Can you try it on now?" Amelia asks with excitement in her voice.
I have never felt this bad. Although, I come up with a plan.
"Okay! I'll go change!" I say with a fake smile on my lips.
I grab my bag and head into the bathroom. In my bag, I grab a spare cardigan that I've had in my bag for weeks now. I put the top on, and get into the cardigan. Now you can see the top, but the cardigan still covers my arms. Perfect!
The top really is gorgeous, I'm so happy for it.
I walk out into the kitchen again with a real smile of my face this time.
"Wow! Look at you!" Addison says happily.
I laugh.
"You're so pretty in that! Can you remove the cardigan though, so we can see it from the back?" Amelia asks.
My smile quickly fades.
"I would, but I'm really cold right now." I say, making the first excuse I could think of.
"It's 90 degrees outside and it's hot in here too." Amelia says questioning me with a weird look on her face.
"Yeah, you know me, I'm always cold!" I laugh.
"Why can't you just take it off for a minute, and then you can take it off?" Amelia asks.
"I'm really cold, I need to keep it on." I say again.
Both her and I are starting to get pissed now.
"Just take it off, we bought you a nice top." Amelia still tries.
I don't know why though. Does she want to see the top on me so bad? Is she onto me? Or did she want to see it at first and now she's onto me?
I'm so stressed and worried.
"Not. Now." I say coldly.
"You can't really be that cold? Something must be wrong then." She says, a bit backhanded.
"Amelia just shut up! I don't want to take my cardigan off right now! Just accept it!" I say and I point to her.
And in that moment, my sleeve rolls up.
The realization hits me.
"What's that?" Amelia asks.
"Nothing." I say quickly, rolling my sleeve down.
I have tears in my eyes.
"I'm changing into my old shirt." I say, running into the bathroom, my hand covering my mouth to quiet any sounds.
I lock the bathroom door. I'm being such an asshole. I'm crying, sitting on the bathroom floor. I put my head in my hands when suddenly, I hear a knock.
"Hey. We're sorry y/n. Please come out." Amelia begs me.
I can't bring myself to answer.
"Please." Addison adds.
I hit my leg with my hand. I'm frustrated and my cries get louder.
"Right, that's it, I'm unlocking the door now." Addison says.
The door opens swiftly and Addison and Amelia steps in.
"I'm so sorry y/n." Amelia says ashamed when she sees me crying so hard and not being able to breathe properly.
"It's fine." I get out.
"Can we talk on the couch?" Addison asks me.
I stand up and walk over to the couch where I sit down.
"What was that we saw on your arm earlier?" Amelia asks softly.
"It was nothing, really." I say in between sobs.
"Please don't lie y/n." Addison says.
I can't say anything. Sometimes, I can't speak no matter how hard I try. I just shut down.
Amelia and Addison already know that about me.
"Can try to say something honey?" Addison asks me softly.
"I don't know." I mumble.
"Can I hold you?" Addison asks and slits down next to me and Amelia, who is already holding my hand.
I nod.
She pulls me into a hug and puts my hair behind my ears.
"It's okay sweetheart. It's okay." She assures me.
I calm down a bit.
"Can you show us your wrist y/n?" Amelia asks gently.
I shake my head.
Amelia looks at Addison, who gently pulls up my sleeve.
"No Addison. No." I try, but she has already pulled it up enough.
I'm crying again.
"Honey. Can we clean these up?" Amelia asks me softly.
I don't say anything, so Amelia gets me up from the couch and leads me into the bathroom, Addison is holding my hand now.
Amelia grabs some disinfectant wipes and start to clean up my cuts.
"These are deep y/n." Amelia says and shoots Addison a look.
I shrug.
After a while, she's done.
"Let's go back to the couch yeah?" Addison says kindly.
We all sit down on the couch again.
"How long have you been doing this y/n?" Amelia asks.
"Five months." I whisper.
"Oh sweetheart." Addison says and hugs me.
"You need help y/n." Amelia says softly.
I shake my head.
"I don't want to talk now." I say.
"Okay sweetie. Okay." Addison says.
"Thank you for the top. I really do love it." I say, a smile forming on my lips.
"You're welcome, and we're so sorry, we shouldn't have pushed you to do anything." Amelia says, apologizing again.
"Don't worry about it." I say.
"Can you stay here with me for a while y/n?" Amelia asks.
"I want to go home." I say.
"Please." Amelia says.
"No." I say.
"Then one of us will stay at your house." Addison announces.
"Just leave me alone." I say.
"We'll call Violet and Charlotte otherwise." Amelia warns.
I really don't want them to call Violet and Charlotte. I really don't.
"Fine." I say irritated.
"We'll both stay with you." Addison says.
"Well I don't know about you but I usually wait for an invite before I stay over at someone's house." I joke, trying to lighten the mood.
Amelia can't help but to laugh, Addison too.
"It will all be fine y/n. Trust me." Amelia says.

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