Show us- Addison, Amelia and Charlotte

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I wake up and look over at my clock. It's 6.43am.
It's Friday today, which is nice. I need a break from everything, especially the practice.
I pick out my outfit for today, a white long skirt and a navy blue long sleeved top. I can't let anyone see the cuts on my arms and thighs.
My hair is put up in a cute bun.

For breakfast I have some toast, then I fill up my water bottle and head to work. I take my car so I'm at the practice in under 10 minutes. I'll be at the practice at 8.30.

When I'm at the practice, I walk into my office and look through some files before meeting my first patient of the day. It's a 23 year old guy whose dad passed away from cancer and now his son, the one I'm meeting today, is very prone to the cancer gene. His name is Tim and we're just supposed to be talking about any symptoms he may have and to do some testing. I head into his patient room and introduce myself.

I'm done with Tim at 11.30 and so I head back to my office to look through some files and then I head into the kitchen to grab some food.
When I walk into the kitchen, Charlotte, Addison and Amelia are already there.
"Hey y/n!" Addison says.
"Hi y'all!" I say happily while opening the door to the fridge to grab a sandwich that I store there.
I sit down at the kitchen island with the others.
"So y/n, we were planning on hanging out at Addison's house tomorrow, are you in?" Charlotte asks.
"Of course!" I say, trying to smile.
I don't have the energy to meet up with them, but I don't want them to worry, plus, it might be fun.
"Great, we'll have so much fun!" Amelia squeals.
I nod. I finish my lunch and then I meet another patient for a consult.

I get through the afternoon and at 5pm, it's finally time to go home. I pack up my stuff and walk out to my car. I just want to get home.

Right as I walk through my front door, my phone chimes. I reach for my phone in my bag and check my notifications. I've got a text from Amelia in my Addison, Amelia and Charlotte's group chat.
'Can we please please please sleep over tmrw? I'm lonely.' Amelia's text says.
I sigh and wait for a response from the others.
'Okay Amelia, let's sleep over.' Addison's text says.
'I'm in too!' Charlotte writes.
'Same here.' I type adding a smily face and a heart. My face is the opposite of the smily face I just sent. I was supposed to have a peaceful weekend. I won't be able to do anything tomorrow, so I go into my bathroom, grab my blade and slide it across my wrist a couple of times. Then, I take a shower. It stings. So good.

When I get out of the shower, my cuts are still bleeding. I place some paper over them and wait for them to dry. I put on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie from my closet and then I go into the kitchen to make some pasta. Once the pasta has finished cooking, I sit down at my dinner table and eat my food in silence.
Then I place my plate in the dishwasher and make some popcorn in my microwave.
Since it's Friday, I'll watch some tv and eat some popcorn. I choose to watch Friends and I watch about 4 episodes before I decide to go to bed.
I brush my teeth and change into my pajamas.
I pick up the book I've been reading recently and read a few chapters. I can feel my eyelids getting heavy as I drift off to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of someone banging on my door. I check the time. It's 9.47am. What in the world is happening? I go into my hall and open the door. It's Amelia.
"Hi! Have you slept until now?" Amelia asks looking at me. I look horrendous. I just woke up, my hair's a mess, I'm wearing pajamas and no makeup.
"Jesus Amelia what's wrong with you?" I ask her as she walks into my house.
"What's wrong with you? We have a day to spend together!" Amelia says happily.
"Right. But it's not even 10am on a Saturday morning." I say pissed as I grab some yoghurt and granola to eat.
"I woke up at 7, I've waited long enough." Amelia says and laughs.
I laugh. She's so crazy sometimes. We chitchat as I eat my breakfast. I then go into my bedroom to get dressed. Today's outfit is a pink maxi skirt and a white long sleeve top with bow details.
I walk into my living room again to tell Amelia that I just have to do my makeup and then we'll leave.
"Aren't you hot in that?" Amelia asks me when she sees me.
"Nope." I say. The truth is that I'm sweating like crazy, but it's fine.
"Alright then. Ready to go?" Amelia asks me.
"Have you looked at me? Do I look ready?" I ask.
"Fine. Get ready!" Amelia says signaling me to my bathroom.
I do my makeup with the door open so that I can talk to Amelia in the meantime. I put my hair up in a ponytail. I also grab my blade and put it into my bag in case I'll need it. I'll be a long day and I need to have it in case of an emergency.
"Now I'm ready!" I announce as I grab my bag.
"Great!" Amelia says as we exit my house.
I scan my front lawn for Amelia's car, but it isn't there.
"Where's your car Amy?" I ask her.
"Left it at home. You'll have to drive!" Amelia says.
"Amelia it would take you an hour to walk here from your house." I say confused.
"Relax, I took the bus." Amelia says.
"Why?" I ask her.
"Well I kind of drove my car into a streetlight yesterday so my car's getting repaired." Amelia says scratching the back of her head.
I sigh and get into my car. Amelia gets into the passenger seat and I start driving. She talks like a machine the whole way there.

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