You'll get through this. - Addison Montgomery

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TW SH!! A/n: Tysm JxstLidl for basically the entire plot, I really needed it. Also I've forgotten most of season 2 since I haven't watched it a long time so I'm sorry about some things not adding up<3

wake up to the sound of my alarm going off.
It's 4.30am and time to wake up. I turn off my alarm and get dressed. I put on a pair of jeans and a long sleeve navy blue shirt that I can wear under my scrubs. I put my hair up in a bun and do my natural makeup routine. I head downstairs into the kitchen. Since me, Izzie, George and Meredith all live in Meredith's house there's almost always someone in the kitchen.
I flinch when I see Izzie and George sitting around the kitchen table.
"Hi Izzie. Hi George." I say, walking over to the pantry to grab a granola bar so that no one will suspect that I'm barely eating.
"Are you sure about wearing that shirt? I don't think it looks too good on you since your body shape is so rectangular." Izzie says.
Of course she made a comment.

I have had a little history with not eating but it hasn't been too bad. But when I moved in with Izzie, George and Meredith, Izzie started making comments about me, mostly my body. I've always been quite small but now, I'm as skinny as I've ever been. Now Izzie mostly just makes other comments about my appearance etc. It bothers me a little, but it could be worse. Okay, it bothers me a lot, but like I said, it could be worse. Plus, nobody really seems to notice so it can't be that deep.

I don't answer Izzie and walk out of the kitchen with my granola bar and put it in my bag. I head out of the door and on my way to work, I throw the granola bar in a trash can. Today I'm supposed to be on Derek's service with the other groups of interns. I prefer to walk to work, that way I can get some alone time.

When I arrive at Seattle Grace hospital I meet up with Alex and we do some charts together before meeting up with Derek and the other interns at 8.30. Derek greets us all and we head into a lab where we're supposed to do some kind of stitching exercise. I don't get why we aren't doing this with someone from plastics but apparently we're supposed to learn about the brain tissue too so I suppose that it makes sense.
We have those pieces of fake skin that we practice on, I could do this in my sleep, but I'm tired today since I barely eat and I mess up a bit.
"How are you messing this up? This is like the easiest part." Izzie says and lets out a little laugh.
I shrug and keep going. Can't she just shut up?
Derek then quizzes us on some parts of the brain. I'm great at neuro but today is not my day. I get a question wrong and Izzie lets out a laugh. Come on.

When we're finally done it's time for lunch and the first thing I do is to head into a supply closet and place some more cuts on my wrist. I need it to keep going today. I don't even bother heading to the cafeteria since I'm supposed to be back on Derek's service soon. Instead, I just wait in the supply closet until lunch time is over and I head to the reception where me, Alex and Izzie are supposed to meet Derek. We're meeting a patient with a brain tumor today and Derek introduce us to the patient. It's a 36 year old female with a quite regular brain tumor. I accidentally drop my chart and it crashes to the floor, shit. I'm so clumsy and it's all because of the food.
"I'm so sorry." I say to both Derek and the patient.
"It's okay, everybody makes mistakes." Derek tells me. I smile at him.
After a while, we head back out into the hall.
"Can I scrub in? I don't think that y/n should scrub in since she isn't too great at this." Izzie says.
"Thanks." I say.
"We'll see. You all can take a break." Derek says. I doubt that I'll get to scrub in.
I'm about to go with Alex down to the first floor, but Derek says my name. I tell Alex that I'll meet him later.
"Y/n, are you okay? You seem very tired?" Derek asks.
"Oh yes Dr. Shepherd, I'm fine." I say.
"You are more than welcome to go home and rest for the rest of the day, you won't fall behind, I promise." Derek says. Why is he nice to me?
"I don't mind helping you, it's okay." I say.
"I think that you should go home, get some sleep and relax." Derek says.
"Okay, thank you so much Dr. Shepherd." I say as I walk to the interns locker room to change into my jeans and take off my scrub shirt. Then, I head out of the doors to Seattle Grace hospital and walk home. It's just 4pm, so I have quite a lot of alone time. What I don't know is that Derek is suspicious of me.

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