Chapter 88

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Although he knew that Cale was right, TBOAH!Zed felt like getting killed out of the battlefield had hurt less than that one line Cale Henituse said about the version of himself upon the Palantír.

He asked another question. There was even less hesitation in his voice.
"Do you care about the first prince, your Majesty?"

TBOAH!Zed and TCF!Zed went rigid in their seats. Distress and panic surged through them, they knew how their counterpart within the record would answer and it irked them that a lie would be recorded forever as the truth. It would be imprinted onto their son's mind and no matter how much he tried to undo the damage - there would be no way to fix something that would soon be broken beyond repair.

Zed responded without a second of thought to this question that could have seemed quite daring of a question to ask.
"How could a king make his decisions based on affection?"
Cale's twisted lips curled up even more.

TBOAH!Alberu and TCF!Alberu's expressions went completely deadpan. The emotions that usually revealed their true feelings in their aura that only the Goddess could sense went cold and tasted metallic and nauseating to her. Grigori gulped, and reached out to TCF!Alberu and his counterpart. She then allowed the record to continue unhindered.

The Goddess respected the choices of TBOAH!Alberu and TCF!Alberu Crossman who requested that she allow them to continue watching the record when she asked them if she should stop it.

Zed Crossman was not a father. He was simply a king. He had no affection for his heirs. He simply had an heir he 'cared' for on the outside.

Although there really wasn't much else they wanted to know. They both were also no longer even disappointed by their failure of a father. TCF!Alberu's gaze hardened, the more he thought about it, the more convinced he became - in his mind his father, TCF!Zed Crossman, was also a failure as a king - because he'd had his butt in the butter because Roan and the rest of the Continent had been enjoying 150 years of peace, while crazy shit was brewing the whole time right under his nose and he hadn't even realized.

"Why is it that you are responding so honestly to me, your Majesty?"
Cale already knew the answer.
"Because I'm going to kill you."

Cale expected the calamity that was about to fall and expertly flooded the room with her power, restraining everyone - even Cale's children.
"Everyone sit!" She commanded and all the adults (Dragons included) found their bodies moving to obey the order of the Goddess even though they tried to resist.
"Please refrain from resorting to violence and remember that aside from Cale, the person in this record is not present in my domain!" She firmly reminded them.

Her power forcefully restrained them until their brains had a chance to process what she had just said, once they realized their anger was being misdirected, they became sheepish and calmed down.

"As I expected."
Zed's eyes showed emotions for the first time after seeing Cale's calm face.
"You truly are not bad."
Cale gently shrugged his shoulders, despite this act potentially looking disrespectful.

Grigori almost slapped her hand to her forehead as the record continued and Cale showed his dense side again.
"F**k it, just let the Dragon-nims lock him up!" Deruth cursed crossly. Violan let out a huff and crossed her arms, her expression was terribly scary right now - so scary in fact that Rok Soo gulped and said a prayer for Cale's future.

"Wonderful! We have the consent of Teacher's legal guardians... Let's move ahead with our plans to lock him up!" TCF!Mila declared, TCF!Dodori and TBOAH!Dodori both nodded unanimous.
"Right, Teacher won't be able to teach us anything if he keeps going off to god-knows-where and keeps getting hurt!" TCF!Dodori remarks supportively.
"Sherritt-nim, why don't we rebuild the tunnel liking the Dragon Lord's Castle to the Super Rock Villa - that way both locations can easily be accessed and we can keep him there permanently." TCF!Eruhaben requested.
"Excellent idea Eruhaben! Let's do that as soon as we return!" Sherritt gave her immediate approval.

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