The Call

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"Hello? Leah?" I breathed down the phone. She hadn't said a word since she picked up the call.

"I've fucked up Ellie! What the fuck do I do? Everyone's going to hate me. Grace won't speak to me. I don't know what to do!" Leah spoke through tears, I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

"Where are you?" I asked. Should we see each other in this situation? Absolutely not. Am I going to do everything in my power to get to where she is and make her feel better? Absolutely.

"I- I don't know. I'm in a random park by my house. Ellie I've really fucked up."

"I'm on the way", with that I ended the call.


It took me about half an hour to find Leah. She was sat on a bench in the middle of a park, head tucked between her knees. My heart broke for her.

As I approached her I whispered, "Leah. Babe it's me."

"Hey Ellie..." she sniffled. Her eyes were glossy and her nose was running. She moved over on the bench to let me sit down and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. Her whole life was being flipped on its head and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Leah you need to go home darling, even if you don't want to. You need a good nights sleep before you can process anything."

She looked up at me with her big, blue eyes and choked out, "Will you come with me Ellie? I need you here with me."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea Le..."


I'm not good at saying no to her.


The minute we arrived at Leah's house she went straight to her room and got changed. She told me to get comfortable in the living room but after 20 minutes and still no sign of her, I assumed she fell asleep.

I got her a glass of water and some painkillers for the morning and made my way to her room.

My assumption was right as I saw her fast asleep in her bed. I placed the water and tablets on her bedside table and tried to leave without making any noise. But as soon as I reached the door I heard...

"Ellie? Where are you going? Come here."

"Le this really isn't a good idea!" I couldn't do this with her. Not when she was hurting and vulnerable. Not when Alexia had been so good to me.

Shit. Had Alexia seen the article? What would she think of Leah and I? Would she want to end things?

I was brought out of my thoughts by Leah yanking me into the bed by my hoodie strings.
I chuckled as I landed on top of her.

"I just want a cuddle Ellie, I'm not trying to shag you!"

"Hmmmmm, didn't seem like that a month ago", I bantered back.

"You wanted me as much as I wanted you Ellie!"

"Yeh sure babe!"

After some flirty banter back and forth which seemingly can't be helped when I'm around Leah, she cuddled into my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I've missed you Ellie", she said barely audible, but I heard it, I won't forget it.

"I've missed you too Le... Can I ask you a question?"

She took a deep breath before replying with a shaky, "Uhhhh.. sure."

"That girl- at the club. She did look like me."

"I'm not hearing a question", she snapped back getting defensive.

"No Leah listen, why do you always come back to me? I know it wasn't me you kissed but you're clearly confused. You said you wanted nothing to do with me and now I'm with Alexia you're suddenly admitting all these feelings. I can't keep going round in circles. It's also not fair to Grace, that girl adores you and this is how you treat her?" I ranted, it was so frustrating not knowing what she wants.

"End it with her", she whispered.


"End it with her", she repeated with a bit more volume, "I want you Ellie! I want you so much. I wake up and I think about you. I go to sleep and I think about you. When I'm training all I can think about is you! You invade my thoughts until it's impossible to think of anything else. You're the reason I wake up, the reason I breathe! So for fuck sake end it with Alexia and be with me!"


"Ellie. I kissed that girl because I ended things with Grace after our talk. It's not right. She's not you. It kills me to think that Alexia makes you feel the things I know I can make you feel. I wanted to make you jealous, I wanted you here with me!"

My phone rang. Of course it would ring now. I went outside to answer it, I can't talk to her in front of Leah.

"Alexia?" I answered.

"Where are you?"

I couldn't lie to her.

"I'm with Leah, why?"

"I saw it. I saw the article. The girl she's kissing looks exactly like you Ellie. And now you're telling me you're with her?"

"Alexia, I-"

"What Ellie? 'I can explain'. Bullshit. You know she wants you and you go to her. She calls and you come running. I'm not trying to get in the middle of you two. Do you think I'm blind? I see the way you look at her in groups. I see how you look at her on the TV when I'm watching a match. So if it's her please just tell me before I waste more time on you Ellie!"

"It's her, I think it'll always be her Alexia. I'm so sorry for not telling you sooner. I just think I was trying to fill the void of her with you. I understand if you hate me, I get it, I would too. But please know it was never my intention to hurt you. I fucked up and I'm sorry. I hope you meet someone who makes you truly happy Ale."

"I could never hate you Ellie, I hope she makes you happy."

With that she ended the call and I went back in to Leah.

"So?" she asked, eyes full of hope.

"I'm yours Le, I'm always yours", I breathed out. It felt like a massive weight off my shoulders finally telling her this.

I knew this was it. The chance we both needed to fully surrender to each other and give us a proper go.

"Come here..." Leah whispered, her arms outstretched whilst lying in her bed.

We spent the night trading kisses and cuddling.
I couldn't believe this. It was like a dream come true.

I felt what I hadn't in a while.

I was happy.


I kind of forgot about this book sorry!

Anyway Ellie and Leah's proper love story starts now!

Hope you're all well, enjoy xx

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⏰ Última atualização: May 22 ⏰

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