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The sun's rays were warmer than I imagined them to be. The birds were still very loud which was nice but also a bit annoying.

But I was right!

There's almost no one on the streets. So far, I've met an old lady, then a strange man and none of them looked at me like I was crazy for walking around in my pajamas.

There was a small moment when I thought I was lost. I crossed a bridge that I didn't notice yesterday, but everything became familiar again quickly.

The way the wooded mountains surround the village is simply an incredible sight. It's like a huge wall that protects this place from everything. If I could, I would live here too. It's calm, clean, there is no noise, everyone greets everyone and you can easily find your way around. Totally my style.

After turning to the right, you could already see the little store. It will be funny if it's not open. Well, at least I took a walk.

I almost saw the sign on the door when I heard a loud noise behind me. I turned around and the vase with many children's drawings on it was broken.

It's impossible that I pushed it down. I didn't even go near it. The wind couldn't blow it either because there's no wind, only warmth. But it had to fall somehow. After I left the bridge, I had a feeling that someone is watching me.

I was scared for a moment, but when I turned back I saw nothing but the road behind me and the bridge. I told myself I was just hallucinating and kept going, but now I'm almost certain that someone's following me. I could go there and find out, but I won't. I'm not ready to die, so I'd better hurry to the store.

Luckily it was open.

"Good morning," I greeted loudly.

"Oh, good morning," a woman replied.

She was almost as tall as me. I could be a few centimeters taller. Her face was smooth and as if she came out of a movie. She had brown eyes and hair, and wore a blue uniform with the store's logo on it.

"I haven't seen you here before, are you new?" she asked with a smile as I finally found the oil.

"You could say," I replied. "I just came to visit my best friend on a vacation."

"Who is it?"

I was about to answer when I saw a strange shadow out of the corner of my eye. I didn't look there, but it wasn't even necessary. I walked slowly to the seller and put the oil in front of her.

"Her name is Hanni."

The woman was already scanning the oil when the smile froze on her face. She looked too much like someone from yesterday.

"You don't seem happy with that answer."

"Oh, sorry," she said as she suddenly raised her head. "I didn't want to react badly, I don't know Hanni. However, I have a sister who, well-"

"It's Minji, right?"

"You've met her?" she asked in surprise.

I nodded.

"I can see why you reacted that way now," I replied with a smile. "I wish I knew what was going on between them."

"Yes, I want to know that too. But no matter how much I ask Minji, she won't say anything."

I gave the money for the oil, then said goodbye and headed towards the exit.

"May I know your name?" I asked before walking out the door.

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