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Donghyun sat next to Taesan as the male glances over him. Taesan then raises a brow before taking a sip of his water. Donghyun just sat there while fidgeting his fingers, does he want to tell Taesan something? Was he nervous?

Taesan then notices this as he puts his water bottle next to him. "What is it?" He asked the younger, looking at Donghyun up and down.

The male awkwardly chuckles and scratches his nape a bit before looking at Taesan in the eyes but in a second or so, he immediately gave in and looked away.

Though, Taesan raised a brow at Donghyun's sudden actions. He opens his water bottle again before drinking on it. While drinking it, Taesan spits out his water as soon as Donghyun stood and started walking away.

Taesan then stood up from the seat and walked to Donghyun, holding his wrist to prevent him from walking away. Donghyun sees this and looked at the wrist before to Taesan.


The older looked at Donghyun's eyes then to the wrist, realising what he just did. He Lets' go off Donghyun's wrist, taking a step back before clearing his throat.

"Ehem, uhh where you heading to?"

Donghyun blinks and gulped a chunk(not really[?]) before looking at Taesan. "I was gonna head to my next class-"

"You don't have class this hour"

The younger blinks and tilts his head. So he forgot? Donghyun grabs his phone and opened his gallery to look at the schedule.

[2:10pm - 3:00pm : break time/no classes]

Donghyun nods and chuckled awkwardly before putting his phone back to his phone. "Aha- yes, i-i meant I will go to student councillor-!"

"You're not a student councillor yet, the votings will be held tomorrow, Tuesday"

Taesan leans closer and hits Donghyun's head.


Donghyun glared at Taesan before rolling his eyes. "I'm not stupid!"

"Okay" Taesan nods, leaning away as he crosses his arms. "If you're not stupid, you're a liar"

Donghyun agrees with that liar part but he shook his head. He'll never let go that easily!
"Harsh! I ain't no liar!"

"You lied just now"

Taesan says, raising an eyebrow at Donghyun which makes the younger stutter and loss for words. "E-eh! No! I didn't!"

"You lied again, now"

Donghyun rolled his eyes again before looking away and the next thing he knew, Taesan grabbed a hold of his chin and made Donghyun look at him.

Taesan leans in as their eyes locked. Donghyun swore to himself that he can just look away but his body and mind wouldn't let him.

Donghyun gulped as their eye contact remains. It was.... Unusually quiet. They're just both in the cafeteria, all.. alone.

"I got one question" Taesan says as he leans in close to Donghyun's face. "Y-yes?" Donghyun closed his eyes and cussed at himself for stuttering..

Taesan didn't mind much about Donghyun's stutter be found it cute. He smirks lowly before getting back to his usual frown face.

"You know earlier.." Taesan says in a low voice. "What happened earlier?" Donghyun asked, raising a brow.

"I just wanted to ask.."

Donghyun waist patiently for the question while Taesan stays quiet. Either he's hesitating to ask the question or just.. just too distracted.

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