Chapter 13: Greedy

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He thought Liang Sunian would be angry, so he quickly rolled over and peeked.

But he saw the person happily spreading out his hand, gleefully examining the little strawberry on the palm of his hand.

Probably afraid that it would wash off in the shower and not be visible anymore, he happily took several pictures with his phone.

Their gazes coincidentally met when the other person looked up.

Liang Sunian raised the corners of his mouth, shook his phone at him, and then lowered his head to type.

The phone next to his pillow vibrated, and Xie Jiaran opened WeChat. It was a message from Liang Sunian:

In Years Past: [Did you draw this while I was asleep?]

Xie Jiaran hesitated between apologizing or not, and finally only replied with a simple


In Years Past: [Why didn't you remind me?]

Xie Jiaran bit his lower lip, feeling that he should indeed apologize.

Just as he was about to reply with guilt, the other person sent two more messages:

In Years Past: [I almost went straight to take a shower just now, if I hadn't seen it yet, it would have been washed off. Thank you.]

In Years Past: [It's drawn really well. Can you teach me next time? ()]

The guilt was quickly packed away.

Xie Jiaran looked at the emoticons at the end of the message, couldn't help but curl his lips slightly:

X.: [Okay, I'll teach you next time.]


"Youth" is truly headache-inducing.

As Sun Han said, this scope is too broad, there are too many things you can draw, and there are too many forms of expression to choose from, which makes it hard to decide where to focus.

For this reason, Xie Jiaran has been staying alone in the studio until late recently, drawing at least thirty sketches, but somehow always feeling like something is missing.

If he couldn't express the most brilliant thing, the "youth" depicted by his pen would lack the most attractive brilliance.

Lin Shan looked at him with concern, "Why not take a break for a while and let your brain rest? Wait until inspiration strikes before drawing."

Thinking of something, he wrinkled his nose with dissatisfaction, "Do you know that Sun Han has been gossiping behind your back again?"

Xie Jiaran continued to paint without lifting his head, "Ignore him."

Lin Shan: "I know, I'm just annoyed by how gossipy he is."

Xie Jiaran dabbed a bit of paint and skillfully mixed the color he wanted, "What should be said at the competition should be discussed on the field. It's useless to talk about the work that hasn't even been done."

"Yeah, you're right."

Lin Shan nodded, "Okay, then whatever he says, I'll just treat it as nonsense. He's boasting even before the competition starts. I'm looking forward to seeing him get slapped in the face."

The bell rang, and the students gradually packed up and left.

Lin Shan's invitation to dinner was once again rejected by Xie Jiaran, so he sighed and slung his bag over his shoulder, "Okay, I'll leave first. Don't stay too late, remember to order takeout, don't paint on an empty stomach until late at night like a few days ago."

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