Chapter 11

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Cloud was messing around on his phone, looking through his lessons and yawning a little while he was lying in the dark room, hearing the soft breaths of Sephiroth.

The little had been moving around a lot in his sleep and was currently lying with his head on Cloud's stomach, lying sideways in the bed. He was still clutching Kweh very tightly, making Cloud smile.

Once again, the man started to minutely shift in his sleep, and Cloud wondered if he was going to wake up from the nap or not.

The man just turned around, making Cloud wince at the elbow that landed against his side. A whimper sounded from Sephiroth, making Cloud frown.

"Mother?" the man whimpered, the words coming out once again, sounding almost desperate, and lost.

"Shh, it's okay," Cloud said, stroking the head gently. He thought about the word a bit, wondering who the General's mother was.

There was so much about the man that was classified, even his parentage or his origins were held secret.

"A lot of weird things going on with you," Cloud said, knowing that the information of other first classes was available enough. Cloud wondered if it was all connected to Sephiroth's reaction to his clumsy attempts at caregiving.

"Mother," the whimper sounded again, and Cloud put his phone to the side, in favour of sliding down completely in the bed and hugging the man as good as he could with his own small frame and the little being as gigantic as he was.

"Shh, all okay. I'm here to take care of you," Cloud whispered, feeling hands grasp his clothes, and small moans coming from the other man, clearly in a bad memory or nightmare.

"Mother?" Sephiroth asked again, and this times the eyes fluttered open, and a look of non-comprehension was on his face.

"Hi there," Cloud said with a smile, hoping that the man was still little, because otherwise this was feeling awkward.

"Cloud?" Sephiroth asked, feeling a fluttering in his stomach at the intimate position they were in. The arms around him felt weird, but good at the same time. It was a feeling he never had before, and he wasn't sure what to do right now.

"Did Kweh have a nice nap?" Cloud asked, and Sephiroth gasped, looking around and quickly spotting the stuffy lying in between his arms.

"Kweh wakey," Sephiroth said, suddenly feeling embarrassed when he realised he had taken a nap as well.

"That's good," Cloud said, removing the arms from around Sephiroth and the little made sure to keep very still and not react to their loss, even though he missed the feeling they provided already.

Cloud got out of the bed, and smiled at Sephiroth, who sat up a little straighter, shuffling until he sat on his knees. He immediately noticed the diaper, which had been thin and light before, but hung now between his legs, a lot thicker and heavier than before.

Still clutching the stuffy, he looked down and saw how his front bulged out. Cloud put his hand on there, making Sephiroth startle a little, but the man just pressed down softly to check how wet it was.

"I think we might need a change first," Cloud said with a smile, "why don't you lie down here, and I'll go get a clean diaper."

"Okay," Sephiroth said, frowning a little at all the work he was causing. He wondered if he should protest to the treatment, but Cloud hadn't really asked a question. It was like a command. Much nicer phrased then he was used, but Sephiroth still knew that the caregiver would expect him to have listened.

Lying down on the bed again, he couldn't help but tuck his finger in his mouth and bite it nervously while he tried to wake up a little more. A vague memory was stuck in his head, an echo of the word 'mother' and then he had seen Cloud's face.

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