The Hills

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Feeling returned to Dean as he began to sit up, it hurt like hell. "Sam?" he asked looking wildly around for his younger brother.

Sam sat up as well groaning "Yeah Dean I'm right here."

"Where the hell are we?" Dean asks himself.

"That's a great question Dean. The last thing I remember is that green goo."

This better not be like The Wizard of Oz," Dean mumbled to himself.

Sam gets himself to stand up "And that song too. Something about America's Suitehearts?"

"How the hell should I know?"

A man in bright yellow suit and hat runs up. "Are you guys okay? That must have been a hard fall from the Normal Land."

"Yeah um who are you?" Sam questions.

"I'm Dr. Benzedrine," the man said.

A girl in a short purple dress soon comes out of breath "Benzedrine I've been looking for you everywhere!" she sees the two strange men "Who's this?"

"I don't know Tiffany I just saw them fall from the Normal Land," Benzedrine tells her, "I had to see if they need help."

"Oh," she nods in understanding.

Sam looks at Dean wondering if he should trust them.

Dean mouths, "Follow my lead."

He nods.

"I'm Dean and this is my younger brother Sam," Dean said.

"Delighted to meet you," Benzedrine smiled.

"I'm Tiffany Blews and I see you've met Dr. Benzedrine already," Tiffany says also smiling.

"So what brings you guys here?" Benzedrine asks.

"Well there was this green goo and then green hands grabbed us and here we are," Sam explains.

"Why were you even near that TV?" Benzedrine snapped, before calming down, "I don't mean to pry."

"Curiosity," Sam shrugs.

"Every single time," Tiffany mutters shaking her head.

"We were looking for some people who went missing. Do you know a Patrick Stump or Pete Wentz?" Dean asks.

"I don't know anything," Benzedrine angrily answered.

"Benzedrine calm down," Tiffany said looking at him.

"Your right," he sighed, "we should get you back to our place. Before the paparazzi arrive."

"Yeah they should be here pretty soon, come on," Tiffany said.

Sam looked at Dean once again.

"More information," Dean shrugged.

"Great let's go," Benzedrine grinned again and started walking away.

Tiffany walks with him.

Sam follows and notices her hair is half black and half purple but doesn't say anything.

"They seem to cheery," Dean whispers to Sam, "like that pagan god couple that tried to sacrifice us during Christmas."

"I was thinking the same thing," Sam whispers back.

"Benzedrine is it just me or do they have a vibe that says "I will murder you if you say or do something wrong." Tiffany whispers.

"That is exactly what I am feeling too. No wonder we are siblings," Benzedrine happily said.

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