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"Just like old times eh Sammy?" Dean smirked

"Yeah seems like it Dean," Sam nods "Just fighting demons."

"We just need some holy water," Dean sighed, "I have the salt."

"Where are we supposed to get holy water? I didn't bring it with me."

Pete tossed a water gun at Sam.

Sam grabs it "Thanks Pete," he says and starts shooting the water gun. Cece hides a smile. Dean is about to say something but Patrick jumps up and tackled the Ringmaster.

The demon hisses and disappears, leaving Patrick beating the stone floor.

Sam stops and sighs in relief.

"Is it over?" Cece asks.

"Hopefully, let's get out of here," Patrick fearfully looks around, "I am done with this place."

"How do we even get out? We were sucked into a freaking TV Trick."

"I don't know let's just go back to where we first entered," Dean said.

She nods and they all walk back to The Hills. Right before they arrive Pete slugs Patrick.

"What the hell Pete?!" Cece exclaims in disbelief.

"He is not Patrick!" Pete growled

"Pete you can't be serious," Patrick stared at him in shock.

"No I am Sam give me the gun."

Sam hands him the gun and Cece frowns, "If it turns out you're wrong I will beat the shit out of you."

Pete sprays him and Patrick hissed as the water sizzled on his skin.

"Not my brother, definitely not my brother!"

"So you caught my bluff," Patrick laughed, "so close too. How did you know?"

"Patrick never leaves his hats behind," Pete said handing the gun back to Sam.

"Nice one Pete," Cece says now realizing he left it behind.

"This is still my world and I can destroy you in it!"

"You say that but Patrick won't let you, he's too protective of me and his own body."

Pete charges up but is smacked away. Joe and Andy try to attack but convulse in pain.

"You can't defeat me!"

"Yes we can," Dean and Sam look at each other and lunge for him. Dean had the knife but it dropped.

It's out of Sam's reach so Cece grabs it and tosses it to him. He catches it and tries to stab him.

But he knocks the knife out of his hands and throws him. The knife lands right in front of Cece.

"Cece stab him!" Dean yells

"Got it!" she grabs the knife and stabs him.

A force starts to pull them back. And they are thrown out of the TV.

Sam and Cece land on their backs. Cece sits up slowly and realizes she doesn't have her glasses "Great I'm blind."

"Here," Joe hands her a pair of glasses.

"Thanks Joe," she puts them on.

The first thing she sees is Patrick gasping for breath on the ground.

"Oh god. Guys where's his inhaler?"

"You thought... You... Could get... Rid of me?" He snarled.

"Sam get salt around him now!" Dean ordered.

"I thought I killed him," Cece says confused

Sam quickly makes a salt circle

Patrick started to squirm and convulse as he screamed in pain. Cece stood up and slowly backed away freaked out.

"You can't destroy me."

"Just watch me," Dean smirked and started chanting something.

After a while Patrick stopped, he was still on the ground, and other then the occasional whimper, was relatively silent.

"Cece come here," Dean instructed, "I need you to talk to him. But no matter what don't cross the salt. Got it?"

She nodded not wanting to question him and walks to Patrick "Hey Patrick it's Cece. It's going to be okay? I would give you a hug right now but I've told not to cross the line."

He whimpers a little bit more but doesn't say anything.

"I feel like I'm dying," he whimpered and curled into a tighter ball, "everything feels like it's on fire."

"That's because we just got a demon out of your body Trick, of course it's going to hurt."

He lets out a cry of pain as black smoke escapes his mouth. Her eyes widen in shock.

"Cece please... Help," Patrick pleaded and reached a hand out to her, but the salt barrier blocked him.

She looks back to Patrick "I'm sorry," she whispers,

"I can't with that demon in there it's too risky."

Sam starts to recite something and the smoke starts to sink to the ground, she then looks to Dean "He's my brother please."

Once the demon fades he nods and Cece rushes over to a weak Patrick and hugs him.

She hugs him tight not wanting to let go "It's okay Trick."

He stifles a sob in her shoulder. She rubs his back in comfort.

"We should get going," Dean said.

Cece pulled out from the hug "Oh I don't think you're going anywhere."

"At least you guys have me stuck in the salt circle."

Patrick quickly scoots away in fear.

"Yeah so don't make any sudden movements," Dean warned

"What are you going to do shoot me?" She chuckled evilly "You wouldn't hurt poor little Cecelia now would you?"

"We'll let you go," Dean said, "but only if you don't possess anyone in this room."

"Are you trusting me Winchester?" She asked surprised.

"If you try to possess anyone we spray you got it?"

"Alright," Dean nods and drives away.

"We will, hopefully none of us are possessed by demons next time we see you," Cece said somewhat sarcastically.

"We hope to see you again," Dean said and handed Pete a piece of paper, "if you need us give us a call."

"Alright fine geez," she puts her hands up in defense.

"Get out of her body first," Dean ordered.

She rolled her eyes and did exactly that. Dean jumps into the circle and pulls Cece out. Leaving the demon in the circle. Dean started chanting once again and the demon disappeared. Cece stood up slowly looking around, not knowing where she is or what's going on. Patrick tackled her with a hug she looked around terrified.

"Okay let's get out of here," Joe said.

"Where do we go?" Cece asked.

"Well we can take you to the station and you get back to your lives."

Cece nodded "That would be great."

They drive to the police station and drop them off.

"Thanks for everything," Patrick smiled as they climbed out of the Impala.

"No problem also no more demonic possessions okay?" Sam smiled.

"Hopefully that won't happen," Cece says somewhat sarcastically

Earning her a chuckle from the eldest hunter, as he hands Pete a piece of paper, "If you need us give us a call."

"Will do," the bassist grins taking the slip.

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