Chapter 85

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Mu Yao stared at the door. The man came back within two or three minutes of leaving, followed by a young man dressed in a very young style.
"Mu An?" Mu Yao's pupils shrank when he saw the young man's appearance.
"Hey, you're awake, Young Master Mu." A sneer appeared at the corner of Mu An's mouth, and his tone was sinister.
"What are you going to do?" Seeing Mu An, Mu Yao's heart became cold.
Since it was Mu An who asked someone to kidnap him, it must have nothing to do with blackmail and kidnapping. This person must be seeking revenge. But Mu Yao didn't understand, and he and Mu An didn't have any deep hatred, so why he risked offending the Mu family and kidnapped him.
"Mu Yao, you are really capable." Mu An's snake-like fingers touched Mu Yao's fair and smooth face, leaving shocking red marks under his secret pressure.
"I heard that the lunatic from the Luo family locked you up some time ago, and Mu Yunze almost went crazy. You are really not picky, even your own brother wants to seduce you."
Mu An actually didn't know that Mu Yunze and Mu Yao were like this relationship, he was just humiliating Mu Yao.
"You really want everything. One Bai Ran is not enough, you have to hook Pei Yanxing." Speaking of this, Mu An thought of the time a few days ago when he pretended to slip and fell into Pei Yanxing's arms, but was Pei Yanxing pushed him to the ground.
There were many people around at that time, and everyone was watching his excitement. The pointing voice made Mu An hate Mu Yao.
Why does he still dominate Pei Yanxing when he has a boyfriend? It is said that even the Kan family member likes him. It's just that he has a good family background. Why does he have to take advantage of all the good things?
Thinking of this, the hatred in Mu An's eyes became even deeper. He had been jealous of Mu Yao since he was a child. He was jealous that his family background was better than his, and his appearance was better than his. He didn't understand why an illegitimate child could be called young master?
Mu An's nails pinched Mu Yao's face, and the stinging pain entered Mu Yao's mind. He wanted to avoid it, but Mu An pinched his face to prevent him from hiding.
"No matter what relationship I have with Pei Yanxing, he doesn't like you. Don't you really understand?" Mu Yao didn't want to anger Mu An, but he felt speechless. Mu An said it as if Pei Yanxing was interested in him but not interested in him. It was as if he had beaten me to it.
Even if they knew each other, he and Pei Yanxing met first in the game. Mu An just saw Pei Yanxing at a party after returning to China and fell in love with him at first sight and stalked him.
"If it weren't for you, I would always have a chance!" Mu An's face turned red, and his anger at being exposed made him look a little ferocious.
"..." Mu Yao said nothing more. Mu An was obviously deceiving himself. Talking too much would only make the other party's mood fluctuate even more.
"Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. Are you waiting for Mu Yunze to save you?" Mu An looked at the silent Mu Yao and sneered.
"Before Mu Yunze comes, I can scratch your annoying face!" After saying that, with Mu Yao's dilated pupils, Mu An asked someone to hand him a sharp knife.
"What a pity it would be to scratch such a beautiful face!" Just when Mu An was about to take action, the middle-aged man who had previously looked at Mu Yao with a leering look spoke up.
The man's obscene gaze lingered on Mu Yao's lower body. He had never seen a man who looked like this.
"What, you like men?" Mu An was not angry because of the man's interruption. Seeing the man's look, vicious thoughts came to his mind.
"Yes, boss, I like little boys with thin skin and tender meat the most." The man replied quickly when he saw that Mu An was not angry.
"Okay, I'll scratch his face again then." Mu An's vicious words echoed in the empty room.

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