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Dax had called one of the doctors in, who was happy with how Bradley was recovering so far, removing some of the machines which meant Bradley could talk to everyone now, 

"Hey" he said weakly, looking at everyone in the room

Gloria started to cry again when she heard him talk, She was happy that he was going to be okay but sad for him that he had fallen back to his old ways, "He was doing so well" she thought again, 

"How are you feeling B", Stefani asked him, holding his hand again

"okay.. i guess", he said back, trying to make her worry less,

Stefani moved herself closer to Bradley, "Im going to cancel the residency"

Bradley looked a little shocked, "Why Stef???"

"I want to stay in LA, to look after you" She told Bradley, She was starting to tear up again

"Dont do that Stef"

"No B, I just wanna make sure your okay, be as close to you as possible, You need it right now", 

"Stef, They're gonna make me go to rehab and all that shit, Ill be gone until January, Theres no point sitting around doing nothing until then"

"Thats true, You really want me to finish up the residency"


Stefani wanted to kiss him but everyone else was in the room, She decided not to but found it hard, Once Gloria and Holly left to get breakfast, she did, 


"Fuck the paparazzi" Gloria said as she walked back into the room holding a bunch of magazines, dropping them on Bradleys bed.

Stefani grabbed the top one and started to read the headline

BRADLEY COOPER SUFFERS NEAR-FATAL OVERDOSE: What happens now for the fallen Hangover star who was sober for over a decade... more on page 15-16

"What the fuck" Stefani said in anger, "I cant believe this shit" She threw the magazines on the floor, "Can they not be stalking us for one minute", She was almost fuming now and Bradley had picked up the magazine, turning it to page 15, where his article was, "What the fuck" he muttered to himself, throwing the magazine back into the other pile, 

Stefani and Gloria were mad now, They couldnt believe how low the paparazzi has gone to try and get a front cover story, Gloria felt almost sick to the stomach, She knew people would stalk Bradley when he got famous, but she didnt think to this extent.

Gloria had wanted to talk to Bradley in private and decided to do it now when Stefani left to grab some breakfast for herself, She sat down in the chair closest to Bradley, She wanted to cut to the chase,
"What caused it all to come crashing down", Gloria asked, "I'm not angry Brad, I would just like to know" She sounded pretty calm and Bradley decided to tell her everything, "We'll id just had that crash on my motorbike and i was in a lot of pain, but i didnt take anything then, It was after I saw Stefanis boyfriend try to bash her, Irina drunk and yelling at me again, which I had gotten used to, Everyone had pulled out of A Star is Born and Irina had just told me she was pregnant, I was seriously stressed out and the cravings had gotten worse than ever, it didnt help that Irina left an open bottle of vodka on the kitchen bench", 
Gloria was a little surprised, but she could understand what caused Bradley to relapse now, He continued to talk to her, "I tried to get sober again, after the thing where Christian shot me and bashed Stefani, thats why i was throwing up everywhere for a week", Gloria nodded, "I had a couple slips but I was 2 weeks sober when Stefani went to Vegas, I was joining her a week later and the night before, just like the whole six weeks I had been trying, Irina was begging me to just drink with her as she thought I wasnt that badly hooked or anything, She was pestering me for two hours before I gave in, it was stupid but i felt like I had to drink for my girlfriend to love me"

Gloria wasnt happy now, Once again she was pissed at Irina, "Bradley, you need to leave her", she said, "Its what will be best for you in the long run, You cant have someone like her in your life", Bradley nodded, but he was unsure how Irina would react if he just pulls up from rehab in 3 months time, just to breakup with her, and what about Lea???, 

Gloria had already thought of Lea, "Lea does not need to grow up watching her mother get drunk every day and fight with her father, Ill help you out as much as possible, looking after her when your working and stuff like that",

Bradley didnt mind the idea and their conversation was interrupted by a doctor who had walked in, "Bradley, your all good to go home now, Everythings checking out okay", Bradley nodded as the doctor removed the last of the things he was hooked up to, Stefani walking in behind the doctor, offering to drive Bradley to the rehab center, which Gloria didnt mind the idea of, She thought Stefani was a good person, she could trust her unlike Irina.

Stefani stopped by Bradleys house to grab some changes of clothes and all that sort of stuff, before driving him to the place, Bradley was feeling unwell on the drive as now the withdrawals were about to start again and just kissed Stefani for a long, long time before getting out of the car, "Im gonna miss you" He told her as he walked away and into the building, hoping the paparazzi didnt spot him or Stefani. 

Stefani sat there for a while before driving away, another tear rolling down her cheek, She had a concert tonight in Vegas and knew she had to get there, hoping Bobby would cut her some slack after the day she had, 

Bradley walked into his room that he was going to call home for the next three months, already missing Stefani and wanting to leave, One of the nurses had given him some pills that'll help with the detox and told him what his next 90 days were going to be like, lots of meetings, one-on-one sessions, all that shit he had done before, It was going to be a long three months.

Stefani was driving to Vegas when she heard the news about Bradley over the radio, She felt even more disgusted, punching the dash trying to get it to go away, She felt sad that Bradley had been through the roughest day of his life and the media were using it as a story, Shit like this should be private, she thought and she felt that burning sense of anger for the rest of the drive into Las Vegas, worried for Bradley but also pissed off at the media at the same time.


this is still so shit, im really sorry.

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