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It was a long three months, for both of them, Stefani was close to finishing her residency and Bradley was a week off getting out of rehab, Stefani had a break in her schedule because it was Christmas and had decided to make the drive to LA to see Bradley, She still thought about him everyday and had been waiting for a gap in her schedule, 

Bradley had been putting everything into getting himself better and was counting down the days now, He was missing everyone, Stefani, Lea, his mom and still felt horrible for putting them through what he did, He began to wonder if Stefani would still love him now she knew everything, which made him feel like crying again, 

Stefani drove back to LA a couple days before Christmas and the first place she went to was to see Bradley, She looked at him for the first time in three months, He had changed a bit, His hair was longer again and he looked like he put a bit of weight back on and was working out a lot, His eyes were glowing in the light and Stefani honestly loved the way he looked at the moment, She walked up to him and hugged him, for a long, long time, 

Bradley didnt want to let her go, but knew he had to, They both sat down on one of the couches, not talking much before Bradley asked her how Vegas was, 

Stefani told him it was amazing, She loved Vegas as a place and still had the Tiger, which Bradley thought was great, She asked what he had been doing in the three months and he told her the meetings were going well and he was playing basketball and working out again, along with watching all the Eagles games, which they were having their best season in a long time, 12-2 and despite losing Carson Wentz for the season, Bradley was confident heading into playoffs, which made Stefani smile, She was starting to think about converting football teams, but told herself to snap out of it, her father would kill her if she started going for the Eagles. 

She was glad to see Bradley doing great, She joked that theyd have to do a 1-on-1 sometime, which made Bradley smile, He told her he would be out on January 4, which was the same day Stefanis residency finished and was just over a week away, Stefani was already hanging for that day to come around. 

She had to leave quickly and Bradley gave her a kiss on the way out, Stefani missed the way his lips touched hers and it was nice to feel it again, She had to get herself out of there before they started full-on making out. 


Stefani drove home for the first time in three months, It hadnt changed much, just overgrown a little, She was greeted by her French Bulldogs, who were jumping all over her, Christian wasnt home so Stefani was happy about that, She grabbed one of her nicer bottles of wine off the shelf and poured herself a glass, She also had some Chinese food delivered before settling in to watch Love Actually, which was a Christmas tradition for her, She wished Bradley could be with her like last year but she knew she was only a week away from having him back,  

Stefani was enjoying being back in her own home, The Villa was cool but it was nothing compared to her Malibu mansion, She felt relaxed and was enjoying the night until she heard footsteps and the front door open....

Then she could hear that all-too familiar voice screaming out her name again, "Fuck" she mouthed to herself, pausing her film.

Christian was drunk and high as he walked into the living room, Stefani started to feel a bit worried now, praying Christian wouldnt do anything to her, given Bradley wasnt around, but she was wrong, 

"Why dont we just skip that, go straight upstairs", pointing to the bedroom

Stefani shook her head, "No"

"Yes, you will do as a i say", Christian said, getting louder


"Fucking hell Stef, I havent seen you in three months and THIS"

"Christian, just listen for one fucking second, I dont want to do it okay"

Christian grabbed Stefanis arm, pulling her towards him, Stefani started to scream,

"Scream all you want, Cooper isnt here to save you" Christian snapped, slapping her, "Now, you do what I want, okay"

Christian started to put his other hand up her top, starting to feel her breasts before Stefani managed to push him a little, "Get the fuck off" She yelled, 

Christian slapped her, "Why dont you want to do it with me, but your all over Cooper"

"I am not all over Bradley, Were just good friends"

"Fucking bullshit Stef" He slapped her again

"Ive told you before, were just co-stars and friends, nothing more"

"and why would i believe that, you fucking slut" 

Christian slapped her once more and she was close to crying, "Stop Christian, please"

Stefani didnt know what to do, She didnt want it going south again like it usually did and Bradley wasnt there, She knew he was capable of killing her if he really tried but she had to get herself out of there again,

Christian was trying to grab her, slapping her if she pulled her away and Stefani could definitely feel the sting in her cheeks from the slap, She decided it was a good time to get herself out of there before anything got worse, She saw the Christian had gone to the bathroom and decided to get out of there now, driving to a hotel to stay the night, 

She decided to surprise her family back in New York for Christmas so the next day, Christmas Eve, she got the first plane to New York, surprising her family who were super happy to see her, 

Christmas Day at the Germanotta's was a big occasion, The whole family coming over, eating lunch together, hams, turkeys, pie, ribs and a big pudding to finish it off all before opening the presents and watching the football, the snow falling out the window, 

The Eagles were playing which made Stefani think of Bradley again, She wished he could be here right now, Joe asked her who she was hoping to win, everyone else wanted the Oakland Raiders because they were all New Yorkers, they hated the Eagles, Joe shot her a death-stare when she said Philadelphia, Natali joked that Bradley brainwashed her and Stefani gave her a little slap, Stefani was going for the Eagles for Bradley, and they won, taking them to an impressive 13-2 record, with one game to go in the regular season, 

Stefani was happy to be away from Christian and with her family again, She hadnt come to the last four Christmases because of commitments and forgot how good it was, She was definitely bringing Bradley next year, she already had the plans....


Fly Eagles Fly 

just wanted to say that lol  (we are the best tho)


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