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Stefani pulled herself off Bradley after their latest make-out session, "You need to rest up", she said, Bradley looking at her, longing for her to be on him again, He gave her another kiss as she walked out of the trailer, coming back with a mattress,

"Im moving in", She laughed, Bradley thought it was cute, He wished this would happen for real, Stefani wishing the same thing, She set out the mattress on the floor, before sitting back on the couch next to Bradley, 

Stefani ordered in some food and her and Bradley pigged out, they ordered far too much but they didnt care, all the food was super nice and they couldnt stop laughing as they ate, before Stefani decided to ask Bradley something

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like, you know....us together"

"To be honest....all the time" Bradley said, Stefani smiling at him

"What do you think itll be like...like how do you picture us" Stefani asked

"Well....... something like this.....without the "living in a trailer part", I'm not sure where we would live though, I kinda want Lea to grow up in Philly, which would mean I would work less too, or maybe some land out in Arizona or somewhere like that, that might help if we had more kids, but as long as your there, i couldnt give a shit" Bradley said, eating some more.

"Kids....Bradley!!!!" Stefani started to laugh

"You never know" Bradley hinted

"Ive always wanted kids, but im not sure I could hold up if we did", Stefani said

"You never know, you'd make a great mom though" Bradley said

"I might have to break up with Chris before I let you make any babies with me" 

"Same with me and Irina" Bradley laughed

"I want to break up with him so badly, but i know what hes capable of, theres no point" Stefani said, Bradley listening in more

"What do you mean, capable of"

"I mean that asshole could kill me, He has connections everywhere, even in the Mafia" Stefani said

"Shit......." Bradley said back

"Like he could kill us, and im worried after what he did to you last night as well" 

Bradley stood up,  groaning in pain once again as he walked over to the trash to put his boxes of food in, groaning again as he leant over,

"Im such a fucking old man" Bradley joked

"You probably broke your fucking ribs" Stefani said, looking worried, She saw Bradleys nose, which was still bent out of shape, "And maybe your nose too" 

"You mean Carino broke my ribs" Bradley joked

"Yeah...that guy"

Bradley walked over to back over to Stefani, grabbing his nose and trying his best to put it back into place, "There you go, fixed", 

They both started laughing as he sat down, Bradley shoving a couple tissues up it to stop the blood rushing out again, 

"Well....Stef, ive had a think about it and you can do this"

"Do what" 

"Break up with that asshole" Bradley said

"How.....he will kill us"

"Dont worry....the Mafia here in LA are weak as fuck compared to Philadelphia", Bradley winking at Stefani

Stefani took a while to catch on

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