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T/W: attempted suicide, abuse, mentions of rape

This chapters gonna be pretty full on, if you want to skip it, you can, 


Bradley's POV

I walked out of my trailer, my gun tucked into my jeans, my legs shaking and my arms shaking more, but finally, i was going to unburden everyone, No one would have to put up with my bullshit anymore, 

I walked out into the desert, still shaking, starting to second guess my decision, but fuck it, everyone will wind up better off anyway, I had made a serious mess of my life, fucking up every good thing I once had, "Why did i do this to myself" I thought as I walked further into the desert.

I found a spot, You could see the stars from miles away and the desert looked really nice, I sat down at the bottom of this massive rock that Stefani and I shared a kiss on months ago, I began to think about her again, which made me cry even more, I couldnt believe all the shit I put her through, She trusted me and I did this to her, I knew if I was gone, I wouldnt be able to fuck up any more of her life.

I walked up to the top of the rock, I knew I was going to do it up there, My whole body was still shaking as I walked up towards the top of the rock, barely able to see as the tears blurred my vision so much, I had managed to get myself up to the top of the rock when I realized I had not left a note for Stefani....

Stefani's POV

Christian was quiet for the whole drive home, It worried me a little bit, He was never like this, but the switch flipped the moment we got inside

"I knew it, you and Hangover have something going on" Christian yelled down the hallway, 

"What do you mean" Stefani said

"You were getting out of his car" Christian yelled again, getting louder

"No.....its not like that, he's just having a bit of a rough time at the moment, I wanted to be there for him", Stefani said, weakly as she saw Christian walk into the bedroom,

"Thats fucking bullshit, You actually thought I would believe that", Christian walked up to Stefani and grabbed her, Stefani screaming at him to let her go,

"No...its not" Stefani said, barely louder than a whisper

"Shut the fuck up" Christian yelled, grabbing her hair and pulling her in closer

"Stop, it hurts" Stefani yelled, Christian ignoring her, slapping her hard across the face

"I said...shut the fuck up" Christian yelled again, ripping her shirt off

"Now your going to give it to me because I am your fiance" Christian said, pushing her back onto the bed, spreading her legs

"No....Im not" Stefani yelled

"So youll give it to Hangover but not me", Christian yelled, noticing the hickey and claw marks on her, 

"Im not fucking Bradley, okay" Stefani yelled

"Whats that on your neck then" Christian said, grabbing her again, 


Christian punched her this time, hard, Stefani screaming in pain, 

"Shut up you lying piece of shit" Christian screamed at her, punching her again and again before walking out, leaving her on the floor in a bloody mess,

Christian had walked out to his car now, He was determined to find Bradley now and deal with him personally, He noticed Stefani starting her car up, grabbing a rock and throwing it at her car as she drove away, 

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