September 1, 1975, The Beginning

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                                                                                                                      September 1, 1975

Dear Journal, Diary, or Whatever I Should Call You,

I sat down heavily on my bed. I took in my surroundings, remembering that I would not be sleeping in this room tonight. I would not be sleeping here until I came home for Christmas.

My room was the best room ever. The rest of Ravenclaw House, my parent's mansion, was a pale blue. The blue bored me to death! So when I was permitted to decorate my own room, I did. My walls were  orange with fall-colored leaves scattered about them. My loft bed's frame was made of mahogany, a reddish wood. My sheets were scarlet, and I had a mountain of  red, orange, yellow, and brown pillows at the head of the bed. Underneath the loft bed was a mahogany desk that had shelves and drawers. That was where I stored my potion ingredients and wand making tools. On another wall was a window seat where I would sit with my black cat, Ink, and read. Across from the window was a walk-in closet that stored all of my robes and muggle clothes. The brilliantly red carpet stretched across the floor like a cat who has just woken up from a nap.

Oh, and a few things I forgot to mention. First of all, my name is Lisa Rowena Ravenclaw. I am seven-eighths blood, but you can just call me a pure-blood, not that that matters. My mother is three-quarters blood and her name is Gabby Ravenclaw. My father is pure-blood and his name is Jason Ravenclaw. My great times a thousand aunt is Rowena Ravenclaw. You can guess what blood status she has.

As usual, before my mother and I went to Kings Cross, I went through all of the items I had packed for my year at Hogwarts. I had my plain black robes, my Slytherin green scarf, my cedar and unicorn tail wand that I had made myself, and many other things.

Yes, I am in Slytherin and I do make wands. The Ravenclaws have been making wands since before Rowena was born. I hope you know who Rowena Ravenclaw is. Because if you don't I will kill you. (And I have used Avada Kedavra on an ant before.) Back on topic about Hogwarts, I knew this year would be just the same as my other years, with my friend Seveus being hexed with every two steps he took and Lily yelling at James with every two steps HE took. Am I confusing you? And why am I talking to my diary? I'm getting off topic again. However, this year was OWL year. OWL stands for Ordinary Wizarding Level, but I'm still trying to find something that OWL stands for that's funny. I feel like if anyone reads this, they will not understand a word of my droning.

So yeah.

At Kings Cross I helped some ickle firsties through the barrier between platforms nine and ten. When I boarded the train I headed straight for the compartment with the Marauders in it. (I did it just to annoy them, though I think Remus is kinda cute.) Lily came in.

"Oh, no," I muttered. Now Lily was going to lecture me about hanging out with the enemy and how it's unacceptable.

"Lisa! This is unacceptable! You are hanging..."

"Yeah, yeah, Lily. You have told me this about a zillion times. Now go kiss Sev-Sev." She glared at me, then stalked off to go hang out with Severus.

"Nice job Ravenclaw!" Remus congratulated me. I blushed.

James didn't look very happy. He mumbled, "For once Lily isn't yelling at ME, and then you go and scare her away." I teasingly smiled.

"Why didn't we invite Lisa to join the Marauders in second year?" Sirius asked.

I answered, "Because I thought you guys were stuck-up, arrogant prats/gits/toerags in second year." After  a while I added, "I still think you are."

"Oh." They replied simultaneously. Whoa, big word. Anyone know the definition?

Once we arrived at Hogwarts (via the carriages) we hurried into the Great Hall just in time for the sorting.


So, what will happen? Why is this book called The Seven Cores? Who is her date to the Yule Ball? I want input! (Even though I have most of this book planned out.)

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