Twenty Eight

123 9 1

Meera's POV

As Samar drove off, the tension between him and I was almost unbearable, every time I glanced at him I could see rage radiating from him even though he was trying to keep it in check

His jaw was clenched, and his tight grip on the steering wheel turned his knuckles white, his eyes were fixed on the road, he didn't looked at me once since we got in the car.

A whirlwind of emotions stormed through me, anger, frustration and disbelief, I knew that Samar had every right to be angry with me for lying to him, but I couldn't believe how little he thought of me, he didn't trust that I could take care of myself, he didn't even give me a chance to explain why I did this instead he dragged me to the car like a baby, I would've understood his behavior if there was a real danger threatening my life, but all he did today was acting like a possessive overprotective boyfriend.

The drive felt interminable, with each passing moment I could feel the unspoken argument about to burst out and I couldn't hold it back any longer.

"Samar, I know I shouldn't have lied, but that doesn't mean that you treat me like a child who can't take care of herself" I burst out

Samar let out a deep breath as if he was releasing some of the frustration building up inside of him "We'll discuss this when we get home" he said with his eyes still on the road.

His words did nothing but fueled my anger, and I turned in my seat to face him "This is exactly what I mean, it's either your way or the high way" I said raising my voice

Samar gritted his teeth and turned the steering wheel with a quick forceful jerk, The car swerved sharply to the right and the tires screeched as they gripped the asphalt road beneath it.

My heart leaped into my throat, and I instinctively grabbed the edge of my seat.

Samar pulled the car over to the side of the road, and I realized that I've been holding my breath, so I exhaled shakily

"What the hell, Samar?" I shouted, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and lingering fear.

Samar turned to face me, his eyes were intense and unwavering "You want to talk?! Ok, let's talk, Why did you lie to me?!" his voice was tight with restrained anger

His words hung in the air, sharp and accusatory

He crossed his arms waiting for me to answer, and could feel my heart pulsing in my ears "Samar, I.."

"No, I really need to understand" he interrupted "You lied to me, went behind my back to do your own investigation without any consideration for the consequences of your little stupid plan, and for what?!A headline story?!"

"A STORY?!!" My voice rose higher as my blood started boiling "You seriously think this is all I care about?!"

He tilted his head looking at me with raised brows "Well, that's what it seemed like"

I swallowing my pride "Ok, I admit that I shouldn't have lied to you"

Samar nodding looking straight ahead "Yes, you're damn right you shouldn't"

I huffed at his comment and shot back at him"But I didn't do it for the sake of a story, I only did it because I knew if I told you, you would've freaked out and tried to stop me"

Samar threw his hands up in the air rolling his eyes "YOU THINK?!!"

I crossed my arms on my chest, diving back into my seat, I looked out the window growling in frustration "Maybe if you weren't such a control freak, I wouldn't have felt the need to go behind your back!!"

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