Chapter 13

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"We want to be surgeons because we want to save lives. We're trained from day one to fix what's broken and make things right. But when our own lives fall apart, there's nothing we can do. We can heal others but often can't fix our own problems. We hide our own pain and heartbreaks, but that doesn't make them go away. Even though we help others every day, we often forget to take care of ourselves. That's the tough reality of being a surgeon. It sucks."

Karylle sat at the bar. The dim lighting cast shadows over her tired face as she absentmindedly traced the rim of her shot glass with a finger. The bartender, a middle-aged man with a kind face, noticed her distress as he polished glasses behind the counter.

He gradually approached her, his voice soft and concerned. "Ayos ka lang?"

Karylle sighed deeply, her shoulders slumping. "No, but you could say that," she replied, taking another shot of tequila and wincing as it burned its way down her throat.

The bartender nodded, understanding in his eyes. "Alam ko yan. Hulaan ko, dalawang bagay lang yan eh. May problema ka sa boss mo o binibigyan ka ng problema ng boyfriend mo. Sino don sa kanila?"

"Pareho," for a moment, Karylle seemed lost in thought, staring at the shot glass in front of her. Finally, she continued, "My boyfriend is my boss, which was a problem. But not as big as the fact that my boyfriend eventually has a wife," quickly downing another shot of tequila.

The bartender's expression softened as he refilled her shot glass. "Tell you what, on the house na 'to," he said before attending to his other customers. Karylle drank it straight up, then covered her face in disappointment.


Kaye sat casually on the plush chair in the hospital lobby, her legs crossed and a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Everyone else was busy, but her eyes were fixed only on Vice, who was sitting opposite her with a frown evident on his face.

"Cut the games, Kaye," Vice snapped, barely masking his annoyance. "I'm serious. What are you doing here?"

She leaned back in her chair, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the armrest. "Is it so hard to believe I might just want to visit my beloved husband?"

Vice's eyes narrowed. "Please stop wasting my time. Anong ginagawa mo dito?"

She leaned forward, her tone shifting to a serious one, "I should be the one asking you that. What are you doing here? You just pick up and leave everything behind? Just like that? Ganon lang kadali para sa'yo iwan lahat? Your house, your job, your friends, your wife? You have a life in Europe, Vice."

"Had," Vice said sternly. "Not anymore."

"And now, you have a girlfriend here in Manila," Kaye said like a mock-serious whisper. "Well, she seems awfully sweet."

"I'm telling you, the ice you're on right now, Kaye. It's thin. So, be careful with what you say next," Vice stood up from his chair, his impatience growing. He was about to walk away, when Kaye spoke again.

"She's young and seems head over heels for you — a big-shot heart surgeon with good looks and amazing skills. Exactly what you were going for, right? The anti-me type? Younger, more flexible, and easier to deal with?"

"If you came out here to try to win me back, you can forget about it. You're a year too late," Vice said annoyed, hands in his pocket.

Kaye smiled, clearly enjoying his frustration. "I did, honey. I flew all the way across the continent for us to look at our wedding photos, get drunk, fall into bed, kiss all night, and make you finally realize that you can't live without me."

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