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here is the sequel for ' messages ' !

so recap or whatever you call it;

luke 'died' at the last chapter of messages, and michael sent him one last message.

thats it. thats the recap xD

idk how to write this story though. but yeah.

updates are random. i'll try to update once-twice a week if i can. sometimes i wont bc school, i have 14 hours of school. idk why, our school sucks(lol no) or sometimes i can be lazy af

this book will be written in lowercase letters except for the usernames you will find on later on the story.

well hope you like this sequel.

all the fucking love,

angel m.

idk but, there's a pic of 5sos up there, with michael sleeping, i think. calum looking cute, luke looking hawt af, and i dont know what the hell ashton was doing. and two guys behind them, photobombing.

guitar stringsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora